Featured Baby Names for Girls and Boys

Name Meaning Nickname
Anna Marie God has favored me Annmar
Mykah Who is like God? Myke
Ilana Tree Ilani
Josefina He will add Jose
Ezri Helper Ezzy
Ahuva Beloved Ahu
Susana Lily Susi
Avia My father is Yahweh Avi
Athalia Yahweh exalted Atha
Annabeth Favor Anna

Overall Top Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Abigail My father's joy Abby
Josephine God will increase Josie
Jude Praised Judie
Abronoma Higher father Abro
Udi My torch Udy
Aliyah Rising Ali
Amanda Worthy of love Mandy
Alex Defender of humankind Lex
Ariel Lion of God Ari
Elizabeth God's promise Liz

Trending Boy Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Alex Defender of humankind Lex
Abronoma Higher father Abro
Selemon From Solomon Sele
James Supplanter Jamie
Uzzi God is my strength Uzz
Elkana God has created Elk
Yitro Abundance Yiyo
Shylock White-haired Shy
Balaam One who makes profession of religion for the sake of gain Bala
Abihu He is my father Abi

Trending Girl Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Abigail My father's joy Abby
Josephine God will increase Josie
Amanda Worthy of love Mandy
Aliyah Rising Ali
Eva Life Evie
Anna Favor Ann
Leah Weary Lea
Hannah Favor Hana
Eliana God has answered Ellie
Salome Peace Sal

Trending Unisex Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Ariel Lion of God Ari
Jude Praised Judie
Dariel Open Dari
Eli High El
Zion Highest point Zi
Michael Who resembles God Mike
Zayne God is gracious Zay
Shalom Peace Shali
Noah Rest Noe
Asher Blessed Ash

Trending Hebrew Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Abigail My father's joy Abby
Ariel Lion of God Ari
Leah Weary Lea
Hannah Favor Hana
Selemon From Solomon Sele
James Supplanter Jamie
Eli High El
Zion Highest point Zi
Uzzi God is my strength Uzz
Michael Who resembles God Mike