Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Anna Marie | God has favored me | Annmar |
Mykah | Who is like God? | Myke |
Ilana | Tree | Ilani |
Josefina | He will add | Jose |
Ezri | Helper | Ezzy |
Ahuva | Beloved | Ahu |
Susana | Lily | Susi |
Avia | My father is Yahweh | Avi |
Athalia | Yahweh exalted | Atha |
Annabeth | Favor | Anna |
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Abigail | My father's joy | Abby |
Josephine | God will increase | Josie |
Jude | Praised | Judie |
Abronoma | Higher father | Abro |
Udi | My torch | Udy |
Aliyah | Rising | Ali |
Amanda | Worthy of love | Mandy |
Alex | Defender of humankind | Lex |
Ariel | Lion of God | Ari |
Elizabeth | God's promise | Liz |
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Alex | Defender of humankind | Lex |
Abronoma | Higher father | Abro |
Selemon | From Solomon | Sele |
James | Supplanter | Jamie |
Uzzi | God is my strength | Uzz |
Elkana | God has created | Elk |
Yitro | Abundance | Yiyo |
Shylock | White-haired | Shy |
Balaam | One who makes profession of religion for the sake of gain | Bala |
Abihu | He is my father | Abi |
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Abigail | My father's joy | Abby |
Josephine | God will increase | Josie |
Amanda | Worthy of love | Mandy |
Aliyah | Rising | Ali |
Eva | Life | Evie |
Anna | Favor | Ann |
Leah | Weary | Lea |
Hannah | Favor | Hana |
Eliana | God has answered | Ellie |
Salome | Peace | Sal |
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Ariel | Lion of God | Ari |
Jude | Praised | Judie |
Dariel | Open | Dari |
Eli | High | El |
Zion | Highest point | Zi |
Michael | Who resembles God | Mike |
Zayne | God is gracious | Zay |
Shalom | Peace | Shali |
Noah | Rest | Noe |
Asher | Blessed | Ash |