Aziza Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

Likes 0
Views 2
Girl Ranking 224
Overall Ranking 421
Updated 14 Mar 2025 at 11:45:09

Aziza Name Meaning and Origin

Aziza is a baby girl name that means "respected", "beloved", "precious", "noble", "powerful", and "strong". The name Aziza comes from the "Hebrew" and "Arabic" origins. A common nickname for Aziza is Azi. It ranks 224th among girls names and 421st overall, with 2 views and 0 likes.

Nicknames for Aziza

Aziza’s featured nickname is Azi, but you can also consider these nicknames: Ziza, Zizi, Aza, Zazie, Azzy, Zia, Zizu, Azee, and Zazu. Additionally, you can use Aliza, Alizae, Iza, Liza, Mazi, Eliza, Mazik, Mazia, Lizae, Lizah, and Izabel as Aziza nicknames.

Aziza Name Infographics

Infographic of Aziza name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Aziza means strong, and Azi is a nickname for Aziza.

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Sibling Names for Aziza

Name Meaning Nickname
Benaiah God has built Ben
Analie Grace Ana
Raham Merciful Rah
Simona Hear Simi
Raphaello Healing God Rap
Iona Dove Io
Raphello Healing God Rap
Eviana To live Evi
Ravel To undo Rav
Riva From the shore Riv
Reuban A son Reu
Rachael Ewe Rach
Sacar A prince Sac
Mailyn Child of pearly light Mai
Sachar True Sach
Joann God is gracious Jo
Sachiell God is my righteousness Sach
Bethea Daughter of Jehovah Beth
Salaman Peaceful Sal
Saraya Of saráy Sara

Names Like Aziza

Name Meaning Nickname
Izabelle God's promise Iza
Alizah Joyful Ali
Liza God is my oath Liz
Mazikeen Harmful spirits Mazi
Aliza Joyful Ali
Izabella God's promise Iza
Eliza Pledged to God Eli
Elizabeth God's promise Liz