Baby Girl Names

Are you looking for an impressive, unique, and meaningful baby name for your newborn baby girl or to suggest to any of your friends or relatives? if yes then you are at right place. Here we have a list of impressive baby girl names. Our listed names have good meaning.

Know that our selected and listed names have beautiful meanings, and some of them have cultural significance with respect to the region.

Read our listed names and choose a baby name of your interest.

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212 baby girl names with 7504 views and 75 likes. This includes 10 three-letter girl names, 34 four-letter girl names, 48 five-letter girl names, 49 six-letter girl names, 40 seven-letter girl names, 21 eight-letter girl names, 9 nine-letter girl names, and 1 ten-letter girl name. Trending girl names include Abigail, Josephine, Amanda, Aliyah, Eva, Anna, Leah, Hannah, Eliana, Salome, Sadie, Chana, Annabelle, Elizabeth, Madelyn, Delilah, Elyse, Eila, Naomi, and Isabelle. Updated on March 13, 2025, at 7:13 PM.

3 Letter Girl Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Ori My light Orie
Ela Terebinth tree El
Liz God's promise Lizzy
Ann Grace Annie
Ira Vigilant Iri
Sol Prayed for Soli
Eve Life Evie
Noa Repose Noi
Lia Relaxed Lili
Eva Life Evie

4 Letter Girl Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Vica Life Vic
Lela Black beauty Leli
Rena Melody Ren
Edna Renewer Edi
Liya I am with God Li
Amya Night rain Amy
Liza God is my oath Liz
Suri Princess Sura
Judy Woman of Judea Jude
Romi Praised Ro
Eila Torch Eily
Ziva Radiance Ziv
Mary Beloved Mara
Jana God is gracious Jani
Dina Judgement Dini
Miah Bitterness Mi
Avah Source of life Ava
Elsa My God is an oath Els
Jael Mountain goat Jae
Lisa God is my oath Lis
Elia God has answered Eli
Joan God is gracious Jo
Abby Joy of the father Ab
Mara Bitter Mari
Anne Gracious Annie
Raya Friend Ray
Jane Yahweh is gracious/merciful Janie
Evie Life Evi
Leia Weary Lei
Sara Princess Sari
Ruth Friend Ruthie
Lyla Night Ly
Anna Favor Ann
Leah Weary Lea

5 Letter Girl Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Ilana Tree Ilani
Ahuva Beloved Ahu
Susie Lily Susi
Josey Praise taken away Josi
Keren Animal's horn Ker
Aviva Spring Avi
Liora My light Lio
Isela Rock Isi
Chava Life Cha
Leora My light Leo
Janie God is gracious Jan
Rivah To tie Riv
Zarah Princess Zara
Adina Gentle Adi
Alisa Great happiness Ali
Alisa Great happiness Ali
Adira Strong Adi
Sally Princess Sal
Jenny White spirit Jen
Areli Lion of God Ari
Betty Oath of God Bett
Susan Lily Sue
Malka Queen Mal
Adara Beauty Ada
Jayda Wise Jay
Aniya Gracious Ani
Nancy Grace Nan
Dalia Branch Dali
Dania God is my judge Dani
Anais Merciful Ana
Nyomi Pleasant Nyo
Elyse God's promise Ely
Aleah Rising Ali
Rivka Tie Riv
Azael The hazel tree of God Az
Chana Grace Chan
Aliza Joyful Ali
Chaya Life Chay
Noemi Beautiful Noe
Annie Grace Ani
Sarai My princess Sara
Talia Dew of God Tali
Lilah Delicate Lili
Elsie Pledged to God Els
Josie God will add Jo
Sarah Noblewoman Sar
Sadie Princess Sade
Naomi Pleasant Nao

6 Letter Girl Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Susana Lily Susi
Alizah Joyful Ali
Malina Tower Mali
Bracha Blessing Brach
Devora Bee Dev
Isobel God's promise Iso
Janice God has been gracious Jan
Johana God is gracious Joha
Taliah Dew from God Tali
Debora Bee Deb
Eliora God is my light Eli
Rochel Ewe Roch
Jannah Paradise Jan
Adalia Noble one Ada
Sarina Princess Sara
Tahlia Heaven's dew Tali
Zamira Nightingale Zami
Elyana God has answered Elya
Dalila Delicate Dali
Ariela Lion or lioness of God Ari
Sharon A fertile plain Shari
Rebeca To bind Becca
Anayah God has answered Anya
Lianna My God is an oath Lia
Salome Peace Sal
Anaiah Yahweh has answered Ana
Moriah Land chosen by Yahweh Mo
Sariah Princess Sari
Keziah Cinnamon bark Kez
Ruthie Friend Ruth
Judith Praised Judi
Aviana To breathe Avi
Amaris Promised by God Mara
Adalee God is my refuge Ada
Zilpah Frailty Zila
Jolene God is gracious Jolie
Mariam Star of the sea Mari
Maryam Beloved Mary
Raelyn Ewe Rae
Joanna God is gracious Jo
Ariyah Lioness Ari
Samara Result Sami
Rachel Ewe Rach
Miriam Wished-for child Miri
Aliyah Rising Ali
Bediah Servant of God Bedi
Hannah Favor Hana
Eliana God has answered Ellie
Amanda Worthy of love Mandy

7 Letter Girl Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Athalia Yahweh exalted Atha
Analise Favor Ana
Abilene Stream Abi
Jordynn Down-flowing Jordy
Samaria Watch mountain Sami
Hosanna Save Hosa
Nariyah Lamp of Yahweh Nari
Nechama Comfort Necha
Devorah Bee Dev
Carmela Garden Carma
Susanna Lily Susa
Jubilee Joyful celebration Jubi
Lizbeth God is my oath Lizzy
Micaela Who is like God Mica
Rebekah To tie firmly Becky
Deborah Bee Deb
Madalyn From Magdala Madi
Johanna God is gracious Jo
Bethany House of figs Beth
Janelle Fair Jan
Jamison Son of James Jami
Isabela My God is an oath Isa
Galilea From Galilee Seg
Mikayla Who resembles God Mika
Sariyah Princess Sari
Jessica Foresight Jess
Makayla Who resembles God Maka
Arielle Lion of God Ari
Briella God is my strength Bri
Madilyn Of Magdala Madi
Rebecca To bind or tie Becca
Elianna My God has answered Ellie
Daniela God is my judge Dani
Ariella Lion of God Ari
Brielle Heroine of God Bri
Elliana My God has answered me Ellie
Raelynn Beam of light Rae
Madelyn High tower Maddie
Delilah Delicate Lilah
Abigail My father's joy Abby

8 Letter Girl Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Josefina He will add Jose
Annabeth Favor Anna
Batsheva Daughter of the oath Basha
Anabella Grace Ana
Chevelle My God is a vow Chevy
Shoshana Lily Shosh
Carmella Garden Carma
Madalynn Of Magdala Maddy
Mazikeen Harmful spirits Mazi
Saphiros Sapphire Saph
Madilynn Woman of Magdala Madi
Michaela Who is like God Mika
Ellianna My God has answered me Ellie
Hadassah Myrtle tree Hada
Madelynn Woman from Magdala Maddy
Izabella God's promise Iza
Daniella God is my judge Dani
Gabriela God is my strength Gabi
Isabelle Pledged to God Izzy
Samantha God has heard Sam
Madeline From Magdala Maddie

9 Letter Girl Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Josephina Increaser Jo
Magdalene Woman from Magdala Mag
Mary Jane Drop of the sea Marjay
Elisabeth God's promise Elsa
Seraphina Burning ones Sera
Annabelle Favored grace Anna
Gabriella God is my strength Gabi
Josephine God will increase Josie
Elizabeth God's promise Liz

10 Letter Girl Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Anna Marie God has favored me Annmar