Are you looking for an impressive, unique, and meaningful baby name for your newborn baby girl or to suggest to any of your friends or relatives? if yes then you are at right place. Here we have a list of impressive baby girl names. Our listed names have good meaning.
Know that our selected and listed names have beautiful meanings, and some of them have cultural significance with respect to the region.
Read our listed names and choose a baby name of your interest.If you have any questions in your mind regarding baby girl names listed on our web page, then do not forget to contact us by dropping an email. We will respond to your mail if we find your email relevant. We do not respond to irrelevant emails.
212 baby girl names with 7504 views and 75 likes. This includes 10 three-letter girl names, 34 four-letter girl names, 48 five-letter girl names, 49 six-letter girl names, 40 seven-letter girl names, 21 eight-letter girl names, 9 nine-letter girl names, and 1 ten-letter girl name. Trending girl names include Abigail, Josephine, Amanda, Aliyah, Eva, Anna, Leah, Hannah, Eliana, Salome, Sadie, Chana, Annabelle, Elizabeth, Madelyn, Delilah, Elyse, Eila, Naomi, and Isabelle. Updated on March 13, 2025, at 7:13 PM.
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Ori | My light | Orie |
Ela | Terebinth tree | El |
Liz | God's promise | Lizzy |
Ann | Grace | Annie |
Ira | Vigilant | Iri |
Sol | Prayed for | Soli |
Eve | Life | Evie |
Noa | Repose | Noi |
Lia | Relaxed | Lili |
Eva | Life | Evie |
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Vica | Life | Vic |
Lela | Black beauty | Leli |
Rena | Melody | Ren |
Edna | Renewer | Edi |
Liya | I am with God | Li |
Amya | Night rain | Amy |
Liza | God is my oath | Liz |
Suri | Princess | Sura |
Judy | Woman of Judea | Jude |
Romi | Praised | Ro |
Eila | Torch | Eily |
Ziva | Radiance | Ziv |
Mary | Beloved | Mara |
Jana | God is gracious | Jani |
Dina | Judgement | Dini |
Miah | Bitterness | Mi |
Avah | Source of life | Ava |
Elsa | My God is an oath | Els |
Jael | Mountain goat | Jae |
Lisa | God is my oath | Lis |
Elia | God has answered | Eli |
Joan | God is gracious | Jo |
Abby | Joy of the father | Ab |
Mara | Bitter | Mari |
Anne | Gracious | Annie |
Raya | Friend | Ray |
Jane | Yahweh is gracious/merciful | Janie |
Evie | Life | Evi |
Leia | Weary | Lei |
Sara | Princess | Sari |
Ruth | Friend | Ruthie |
Lyla | Night | Ly |
Anna | Favor | Ann |
Leah | Weary | Lea |
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Ilana | Tree | Ilani |
Ahuva | Beloved | Ahu |
Susie | Lily | Susi |
Josey | Praise taken away | Josi |
Keren | Animal's horn | Ker |
Aviva | Spring | Avi |
Liora | My light | Lio |
Isela | Rock | Isi |
Chava | Life | Cha |
Leora | My light | Leo |
Janie | God is gracious | Jan |
Rivah | To tie | Riv |
Zarah | Princess | Zara |
Adina | Gentle | Adi |
Alisa | Great happiness | Ali |
Alisa | Great happiness | Ali |
Adira | Strong | Adi |
Sally | Princess | Sal |
Jenny | White spirit | Jen |
Areli | Lion of God | Ari |
Betty | Oath of God | Bett |
Susan | Lily | Sue |
Malka | Queen | Mal |
Adara | Beauty | Ada |
Jayda | Wise | Jay |
Aniya | Gracious | Ani |
Nancy | Grace | Nan |
Dalia | Branch | Dali |
Dania | God is my judge | Dani |
Anais | Merciful | Ana |
Nyomi | Pleasant | Nyo |
Elyse | God's promise | Ely |
Aleah | Rising | Ali |
Rivka | Tie | Riv |
Azael | The hazel tree of God | Az |
Chana | Grace | Chan |
Aliza | Joyful | Ali |
Chaya | Life | Chay |
Noemi | Beautiful | Noe |
Annie | Grace | Ani |
Sarai | My princess | Sara |
Talia | Dew of God | Tali |
Lilah | Delicate | Lili |
Elsie | Pledged to God | Els |
Josie | God will add | Jo |
Sarah | Noblewoman | Sar |
Sadie | Princess | Sade |
Naomi | Pleasant | Nao |
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Susana | Lily | Susi |
Alizah | Joyful | Ali |
Malina | Tower | Mali |
Bracha | Blessing | Brach |
Devora | Bee | Dev |
Isobel | God's promise | Iso |
Janice | God has been gracious | Jan |
Johana | God is gracious | Joha |
Taliah | Dew from God | Tali |
Debora | Bee | Deb |
Eliora | God is my light | Eli |
Rochel | Ewe | Roch |
Jannah | Paradise | Jan |
Adalia | Noble one | Ada |
Sarina | Princess | Sara |
Tahlia | Heaven's dew | Tali |
Zamira | Nightingale | Zami |
Elyana | God has answered | Elya |
Dalila | Delicate | Dali |
Ariela | Lion or lioness of God | Ari |
Sharon | A fertile plain | Shari |
Rebeca | To bind | Becca |
Anayah | God has answered | Anya |
Lianna | My God is an oath | Lia |
Salome | Peace | Sal |
Anaiah | Yahweh has answered | Ana |
Moriah | Land chosen by Yahweh | Mo |
Sariah | Princess | Sari |
Keziah | Cinnamon bark | Kez |
Ruthie | Friend | Ruth |
Judith | Praised | Judi |
Aviana | To breathe | Avi |
Amaris | Promised by God | Mara |
Adalee | God is my refuge | Ada |
Zilpah | Frailty | Zila |
Jolene | God is gracious | Jolie |
Mariam | Star of the sea | Mari |
Maryam | Beloved | Mary |
Raelyn | Ewe | Rae |
Joanna | God is gracious | Jo |
Ariyah | Lioness | Ari |
Samara | Result | Sami |
Rachel | Ewe | Rach |
Miriam | Wished-for child | Miri |
Aliyah | Rising | Ali |
Bediah | Servant of God | Bedi |
Hannah | Favor | Hana |
Eliana | God has answered | Ellie |
Amanda | Worthy of love | Mandy |
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Athalia | Yahweh exalted | Atha |
Analise | Favor | Ana |
Abilene | Stream | Abi |
Jordynn | Down-flowing | Jordy |
Samaria | Watch mountain | Sami |
Hosanna | Save | Hosa |
Nariyah | Lamp of Yahweh | Nari |
Nechama | Comfort | Necha |
Devorah | Bee | Dev |
Carmela | Garden | Carma |
Susanna | Lily | Susa |
Jubilee | Joyful celebration | Jubi |
Lizbeth | God is my oath | Lizzy |
Micaela | Who is like God | Mica |
Rebekah | To tie firmly | Becky |
Deborah | Bee | Deb |
Madalyn | From Magdala | Madi |
Johanna | God is gracious | Jo |
Bethany | House of figs | Beth |
Janelle | Fair | Jan |
Jamison | Son of James | Jami |
Isabela | My God is an oath | Isa |
Galilea | From Galilee | Seg |
Mikayla | Who resembles God | Mika |
Sariyah | Princess | Sari |
Jessica | Foresight | Jess |
Makayla | Who resembles God | Maka |
Arielle | Lion of God | Ari |
Briella | God is my strength | Bri |
Madilyn | Of Magdala | Madi |
Rebecca | To bind or tie | Becca |
Elianna | My God has answered | Ellie |
Daniela | God is my judge | Dani |
Ariella | Lion of God | Ari |
Brielle | Heroine of God | Bri |
Elliana | My God has answered me | Ellie |
Raelynn | Beam of light | Rae |
Madelyn | High tower | Maddie |
Delilah | Delicate | Lilah |
Abigail | My father's joy | Abby |
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Josefina | He will add | Jose |
Annabeth | Favor | Anna |
Batsheva | Daughter of the oath | Basha |
Anabella | Grace | Ana |
Chevelle | My God is a vow | Chevy |
Shoshana | Lily | Shosh |
Carmella | Garden | Carma |
Madalynn | Of Magdala | Maddy |
Mazikeen | Harmful spirits | Mazi |
Saphiros | Sapphire | Saph |
Madilynn | Woman of Magdala | Madi |
Michaela | Who is like God | Mika |
Ellianna | My God has answered me | Ellie |
Hadassah | Myrtle tree | Hada |
Madelynn | Woman from Magdala | Maddy |
Izabella | God's promise | Iza |
Daniella | God is my judge | Dani |
Gabriela | God is my strength | Gabi |
Isabelle | Pledged to God | Izzy |
Samantha | God has heard | Sam |
Madeline | From Magdala | Maddie |
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Josephina | Increaser | Jo |
Magdalene | Woman from Magdala | Mag |
Mary Jane | Drop of the sea | Marjay |
Elisabeth | God's promise | Elsa |
Seraphina | Burning ones | Sera |
Annabelle | Favored grace | Anna |
Gabriella | God is my strength | Gabi |
Josephine | God will increase | Josie |
Elizabeth | God's promise | Liz |
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Anna Marie | God has favored me | Annmar |