Baby Boy Names

Are you looking for baby boy names for your newborn baby boy? If yes then you are at right place. Here we have made efforts to collect a great list of baby boy names; you could choose from our list by taking care of your preference.

Now visit our website and explore our list of "unique and modern baby boy names."

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121 baby boy names with 2519 views and 34 likes. This includes 4 three-letter boy names, 8 four-letter boy names, 23 five-letter boy names, 36 six-letter boy names, 17 seven-letter boy names, 21 eight-letter boy names, 9 nine-letter boy names, and 3 ten-letter boy names. Trending boy names include Alex, Abronoma, James, Selemon, Elkana, Yitro, Uzzi, Shylock, Balaam, Abihu, Simonson, Mahlen, Udi, Simmonds, Iancu, Yohannan, Kelaiyah, Beelzebub, Akabe, and Seraphimus. Updated on March 14, 2025, at 12:29 AM.

3 Letter Boy Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Tov God is good Tovi
Udi My torch Udy
Yke Laughter Yoyo
Raf God who heals Raffy

4 Letter Boy Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Mike Who is like God Mikey
Aron Exalted Aro
Syms Son of Simon Sym
Teom Twin Teo
Zain Beauty Zay
Yosi Increaser Yoyo
Uzzi God is my strength Uzz
Alex Defender of humankind Lex

5 Letter Boy Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Raham Merciful Rah
Ravel To undo Rav
Sacar A prince Sac
Segev Great Seg
Simha Lion Sim
Symms To hear Sym
Tavor Bad luck Tavi
Tobit Good Tobi
Tubal The earth Tuba
Urija Of Uriah Uri
Yakar Precious Yaki
Yakup He who supplants Yaku
Yanno Of John Yani
Yaweh I am who is Yawi
Yemin Son of the right hand Yemi
Yitro Abundance Yiyo
Yovel Ram's horn Yovi
Zadoc Just Zado
Akabe Uncle Aka
Abihu He is my father Abi
Sadoc Righteous Sadie
Iancu Yahweh is gracious Ian
James Supplanter Jamie

6 Letter Boy Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Reuban A son Reu
Rouvin A son Rou
Sachar True Sach
Salomo Peace Sal
Sansom Of the sun San
Saraph To burn Sara
Shabat Finish Shab
Shafar Handsome Shaf
Shefer Handsome Shef
Shilom Peace Shi
Shomer Watchman Sho
Shoval Path Sho
Simyon To be heard Simy
Talmai Abounding in furrows Tal
Temeni From the south Teme
Terach Wanderer Teri
Tovyah God is good Tovy
Tuvyah God is good Tuvy
Yaacob He who supplants Yaco
Yachim Established by God Yachi
Yachin God will establish Yachi
Yachov Supplanter Yacho
Yamino Son of the right hand Yami
Yehudi Praise Yudi
Yoseff The Lord increases Yosi
Ysmail God listens Ysy
Yushua Yahweh is salvation Yushi
Yusuff Jehovah increases Yuzi
Yuszef God increases Yuzi
Zaydok Just Zaydo
Zerach Glowing Zero
Zimran Vine dresser Zimmy
Elkana God has created Elk
Mahlen Sick Mah
Balaam One who makes profession of religion for the sake of gain Bala
Achish Angry Achi

7 Letter Boy Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Benaiah God has built Ben
Salaman Peaceful Sal
Micaiah Who is like Yahweh Mica
Sansone Sun San
Shabbat Finish Shab
Shafeer Ambassador Shaf
Shalmon Peace Shal
Toviach God is good Tovi
Yacheem Established by God Yachi
Yapheth Beautiful Yafi
Yeremia The Lord exalts Yeri
Zaccery The Lord recalled Zacco
Zabulan Exaltation Zabo
Zcharya Of Zachariah Zaro
Zevulon Dwelling of honor Zevo
Selemon From Solomon Sele
Shylock White-haired Shy

8 Letter Boy Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Raphello Healing God Rap
Sachiell God is my righteousness Sach
Salomone Peace Sal
Samuello God heard Sam
Sarafino Burning ones Fino
Simmonds Son of Simon Sim
Simonson To be heard Simo
Tuviyahu God is good Tuvy
Venyamin Of Benjamin Veny
Yannakis God is gracious Yani
Yedidiah Friend of God Yedi
Yeremiya The Lord exalts Yeri
Yisachar Man of hire Yishi
Yishmael God will hear Yishi
Yochonon Yahweh is merciful Yoyo
Yohannan God is gracious Yoyo
Zachaios Pure Zacho
Zedekias The Lord is just Zedo
Zevekiah Of Zedekiah Zevo
Abronoma Higher father Abro
Kelaiyah Jehovah is light Keke

9 Letter Boy Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Raphaello Healing God Rap
Yeremiyah The Lord exalts Yeri
Yirmeyahu Of Jeremiah Yiri
Yishachar Reward will come Yishi
Zacherish God remembers Zacho
Zackerias The Lord recalled Zacko
Zedechiah The Lord is just Zedo
Zevachiah God's sacrifice Zevo
Beelzebub Lord of the flies Beel

10 Letter Boy Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Seraphimus Burning ones Sera
Zacharjasz God remembers Zacho
Zakariyyah The Lord recalled Zakki