Are you looking for baby boy names for your newborn baby boy? If yes then you are at right place. Here we have made efforts to collect a great list of baby boy names; you could choose from our list by taking care of your preference.
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121 baby boy names with 2519 views and 34 likes. This includes 4 three-letter boy names, 8 four-letter boy names, 23 five-letter boy names, 36 six-letter boy names, 17 seven-letter boy names, 21 eight-letter boy names, 9 nine-letter boy names, and 3 ten-letter boy names. Trending boy names include Alex, Abronoma, James, Selemon, Elkana, Yitro, Uzzi, Shylock, Balaam, Abihu, Simonson, Mahlen, Udi, Simmonds, Iancu, Yohannan, Kelaiyah, Beelzebub, Akabe, and Seraphimus. Updated on March 14, 2025, at 12:29 AM.
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Tov | God is good | Tovi |
Udi | My torch | Udy |
Yke | Laughter | Yoyo |
Raf | God who heals | Raffy |
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Mike | Who is like God | Mikey |
Aron | Exalted | Aro |
Syms | Son of Simon | Sym |
Teom | Twin | Teo |
Zain | Beauty | Zay |
Yosi | Increaser | Yoyo |
Uzzi | God is my strength | Uzz |
Alex | Defender of humankind | Lex |
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Raham | Merciful | Rah |
Ravel | To undo | Rav |
Sacar | A prince | Sac |
Segev | Great | Seg |
Simha | Lion | Sim |
Symms | To hear | Sym |
Tavor | Bad luck | Tavi |
Tobit | Good | Tobi |
Tubal | The earth | Tuba |
Urija | Of Uriah | Uri |
Yakar | Precious | Yaki |
Yakup | He who supplants | Yaku |
Yanno | Of John | Yani |
Yaweh | I am who is | Yawi |
Yemin | Son of the right hand | Yemi |
Yitro | Abundance | Yiyo |
Yovel | Ram's horn | Yovi |
Zadoc | Just | Zado |
Akabe | Uncle | Aka |
Abihu | He is my father | Abi |
Sadoc | Righteous | Sadie |
Iancu | Yahweh is gracious | Ian |
James | Supplanter | Jamie |
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Reuban | A son | Reu |
Rouvin | A son | Rou |
Sachar | True | Sach |
Salomo | Peace | Sal |
Sansom | Of the sun | San |
Saraph | To burn | Sara |
Shabat | Finish | Shab |
Shafar | Handsome | Shaf |
Shefer | Handsome | Shef |
Shilom | Peace | Shi |
Shomer | Watchman | Sho |
Shoval | Path | Sho |
Simyon | To be heard | Simy |
Talmai | Abounding in furrows | Tal |
Temeni | From the south | Teme |
Terach | Wanderer | Teri |
Tovyah | God is good | Tovy |
Tuvyah | God is good | Tuvy |
Yaacob | He who supplants | Yaco |
Yachim | Established by God | Yachi |
Yachin | God will establish | Yachi |
Yachov | Supplanter | Yacho |
Yamino | Son of the right hand | Yami |
Yehudi | Praise | Yudi |
Yoseff | The Lord increases | Yosi |
Ysmail | God listens | Ysy |
Yushua | Yahweh is salvation | Yushi |
Yusuff | Jehovah increases | Yuzi |
Yuszef | God increases | Yuzi |
Zaydok | Just | Zaydo |
Zerach | Glowing | Zero |
Zimran | Vine dresser | Zimmy |
Elkana | God has created | Elk |
Mahlen | Sick | Mah |
Balaam | One who makes profession of religion for the sake of gain | Bala |
Achish | Angry | Achi |
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Benaiah | God has built | Ben |
Salaman | Peaceful | Sal |
Micaiah | Who is like Yahweh | Mica |
Sansone | Sun | San |
Shabbat | Finish | Shab |
Shafeer | Ambassador | Shaf |
Shalmon | Peace | Shal |
Toviach | God is good | Tovi |
Yacheem | Established by God | Yachi |
Yapheth | Beautiful | Yafi |
Yeremia | The Lord exalts | Yeri |
Zaccery | The Lord recalled | Zacco |
Zabulan | Exaltation | Zabo |
Zcharya | Of Zachariah | Zaro |
Zevulon | Dwelling of honor | Zevo |
Selemon | From Solomon | Sele |
Shylock | White-haired | Shy |
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Raphello | Healing God | Rap |
Sachiell | God is my righteousness | Sach |
Salomone | Peace | Sal |
Samuello | God heard | Sam |
Sarafino | Burning ones | Fino |
Simmonds | Son of Simon | Sim |
Simonson | To be heard | Simo |
Tuviyahu | God is good | Tuvy |
Venyamin | Of Benjamin | Veny |
Yannakis | God is gracious | Yani |
Yedidiah | Friend of God | Yedi |
Yeremiya | The Lord exalts | Yeri |
Yisachar | Man of hire | Yishi |
Yishmael | God will hear | Yishi |
Yochonon | Yahweh is merciful | Yoyo |
Yohannan | God is gracious | Yoyo |
Zachaios | Pure | Zacho |
Zedekias | The Lord is just | Zedo |
Zevekiah | Of Zedekiah | Zevo |
Abronoma | Higher father | Abro |
Kelaiyah | Jehovah is light | Keke |
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Raphaello | Healing God | Rap |
Yeremiyah | The Lord exalts | Yeri |
Yirmeyahu | Of Jeremiah | Yiri |
Yishachar | Reward will come | Yishi |
Zacherish | God remembers | Zacho |
Zackerias | The Lord recalled | Zacko |
Zedechiah | The Lord is just | Zedo |
Zevachiah | God's sacrifice | Zevo |
Beelzebub | Lord of the flies | Beel |
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Seraphimus | Burning ones | Sera |
Zacharjasz | God remembers | Zacho |
Zakariyyah | The Lord recalled | Zakki |