400 Hebrew baby names, with 10707 views and 123 likes. This includes 119 Hebrew boy names, 211 Hebrew girl names, and 70 Hebrew gender-neutral names. Trending Hebrew names include Abigail, Josephine, Ariel, Jude, Abronoma, Aliyah, Eva, Anna, Leah, Hannah, James, Eliana, Selemon, Eli, Zion, Elkana, Uzzi, Michael, Yitro, Salome, Sadie, Shylock, Zayne, Chana, Elizabeth, Annabelle, Shalom, Madelyn, Balaam, Noah, Delilah, Asher, Abihu, Elyse, Naomi, Eila, Eden, Raelynn, Isabelle, and Ariella. Updated on March 13, 2025, at 8:29 AM.
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Balaam | One who makes profession of religion for the sake of gain | Bala |
Abronoma | Higher father | Abro |
Udi | My torch | Udy |
James | Supplanter | Jamie |
Selemon | From Solomon | Sele |
Kelaiyah | Jehovah is light | Keke |
Iancu | Yahweh is gracious | Ian |
Shylock | White-haired | Shy |
Beelzebub | Lord of the flies | Beel |
Uzzi | God is my strength | Uzz |
Yitro | Abundance | Yiyo |
Yapheth | Beautiful | Yafi |
Simonson | To be heard | Simo |
Shoval | Path | Sho |
Seraphimus | Burning ones | Sera |
Saraph | To burn | Sara |
Sadoc | Righteous | Sadie |
Achish | Angry | Achi |
Abihu | He is my father | Abi |
Akabe | Uncle | Aka |
Mahlen | Sick | Mah |
Raf | God who heals | Raffy |
Elkana | God has created | Elk |
Zimran | Vine dresser | Zimmy |
Zevulon | Dwelling of honor | Zevo |
Zevekiah | Of Zedekiah | Zevo |
Zevachiah | God's sacrifice | Zevo |
Zerach | Glowing | Zero |
Zedekias | The Lord is just | Zedo |
Zedechiah | The Lord is just | Zedo |
Zcharya | Of Zachariah | Zaro |
Zaydok | Just | Zaydo |
Zakariyyah | The Lord recalled | Zakki |
Zadoc | Just | Zado |
Zackerias | The Lord recalled | Zacko |
Zacherish | God remembers | Zacho |
Zacharjasz | God remembers | Zacho |
Zachaios | Pure | Zacho |
Zabulan | Exaltation | Zabo |
Zaccery | The Lord recalled | Zacco |
Yuszef | God increases | Yuzi |
Yusuff | Jehovah increases | Yuzi |
Yushua | Yahweh is salvation | Yushi |
Ysmail | God listens | Ysy |
Yovel | Ram's horn | Yovi |
Yosi | Increaser | Yoyo |
Yoseff | The Lord increases | Yosi |
Yohannan | God is gracious | Yoyo |
Yochonon | Yahweh is merciful | Yoyo |
Yke | Laughter | Yoyo |
Yishmael | God will hear | Yishi |
Yishachar | Reward will come | Yishi |
Yisachar | Man of hire | Yishi |
Yirmeyahu | Of Jeremiah | Yiri |
Yeremiyah | The Lord exalts | Yeri |
Yeremiya | The Lord exalts | Yeri |
Yeremia | The Lord exalts | Yeri |
Yemin | Son of the right hand | Yemi |
Yehudi | Praise | Yudi |
Yedidiah | Friend of God | Yedi |
Yaweh | I am who is | Yawi |
Yanno | Of John | Yani |
Yannakis | God is gracious | Yani |
Yamino | Son of the right hand | Yami |
Yakup | He who supplants | Yaku |
Yakar | Precious | Yaki |
Yachov | Supplanter | Yacho |
Yachin | God will establish | Yachi |
Yachim | Established by God | Yachi |
Yacheem | Established by God | Yachi |
Yaacob | He who supplants | Yaco |
Venyamin | Of Benjamin | Veny |
Urija | Of Uriah | Uri |
Tuvyah | God is good | Tuvy |
Tuviyahu | God is good | Tuvy |
Tubal | The earth | Tuba |
Tovyah | God is good | Tovy |
Toviach | God is good | Tovi |
Tov | God is good | Tovi |
Tobit | Good | Tobi |
Terach | Wanderer | Teri |
Teom | Twin | Teo |
Temeni | From the south | Teme |
Tavor | Bad luck | Tavi |
Talmai | Abounding in furrows | Tal |
Syms | Son of Simon | Sym |
Symms | To hear | Sym |
Simyon | To be heard | Simy |
Simmonds | Son of Simon | Sim |
Simha | Lion | Sim |
Shomer | Watchman | Sho |
Shilom | Peace | Shi |
Shefer | Handsome | Shef |
Shalmon | Peace | Shal |
Shafeer | Ambassador | Shaf |
Shafar | Handsome | Shaf |
Shabbat | Finish | Shab |
Shabat | Finish | Shab |
Segev | Great | Seg |
Aron | Exalted | Aro |
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Abigail | My father's joy | Abby |
Josephine | God will increase | Josie |
Elizabeth | God's promise | Liz |
Aliyah | Rising | Ali |
Hannah | Favor | Hana |
Leah | Weary | Lea |
Eliana | God has answered | Ellie |
Delilah | Delicate | Lilah |
Sadie | Princess | Sade |
Madeline | From Magdala | Maddie |
Raelynn | Beam of light | Rae |
Rachel | Ewe | Rach |
Abby | Joy of the father | Ab |
Chana | Grace | Chan |
Dalia | Branch | Dali |
Dalila | Delicate | Dali |
Josefina | He will add | Jose |
Gabriella | God is my strength | Gabi |
Eva | Life | Evie |
Daniela | God is my judge | Dani |
Rebecca | To bind or tie | Becca |
Joanna | God is gracious | Jo |
Briella | God is my strength | Bri |
Anne | Gracious | Annie |
Eve | Life | Evie |
Sol | Prayed for | Soli |
Ira | Vigilant | Iri |
Bethany | House of figs | Beth |
Azael | The hazel tree of God | Az |
Judith | Praised | Judi |
Jael | Mountain goat | Jae |
Deborah | Bee | Deb |
Jayda | Wise | Jay |
Shoshana | Lily | Shosh |
Amya | Night rain | Amy |
Liora | My light | Lio |
Anna Marie | God has favored me | Annmar |
Naomi | Pleasant | Nao |
Madelyn | High tower | Maddie |
Anna | Favor | Ann |
Sarah | Noblewoman | Sar |
Lyla | Night | Ly |
Josie | God will add | Jo |
Samantha | God has heard | Sam |
Elliana | My God has answered me | Ellie |
Brielle | Heroine of God | Bri |
Isabelle | Pledged to God | Izzy |
Elsie | Pledged to God | Els |
Bediah | Servant of God | Bedi |
Ariella | Lion of God | Ari |
Ruth | Friend | Ruthie |
Sara | Princess | Sari |
Lilah | Delicate | Lili |
Lia | Relaxed | Lili |
Leia | Weary | Lei |
Miriam | Wished-for child | Miri |
Samara | Result | Sami |
Noa | Repose | Noi |
Talia | Dew of God | Tali |
Evie | Life | Evi |
Jane | Yahweh is gracious/merciful | Janie |
Elianna | My God has answered | Ellie |
Gabriela | God is my strength | Gabi |
Ariyah | Lioness | Ari |
Annabelle | Favored grace | Anna |
Raya | Friend | Ray |
Madilyn | Of Magdala | Madi |
Raelyn | Ewe | Rae |
Sarai | My princess | Sara |
Maryam | Beloved | Mary |
Arielle | Lion of God | Ari |
Daniella | God is my judge | Dani |
Annie | Grace | Ani |
Makayla | Who resembles God | Maka |
Izabella | God's promise | Iza |
Madelynn | Woman from Magdala | Maddy |
Mariam | Star of the sea | Mari |
Jolene | God is gracious | Jolie |
Jessica | Foresight | Jess |
Zilpah | Frailty | Zila |
Noemi | Beautiful | Noe |
Sariyah | Princess | Sari |
Mara | Bitter | Mari |
Chaya | Life | Chay |
Mikayla | Who resembles God | Mika |
Hadassah | Myrtle tree | Hada |
Ellianna | My God has answered me | Ellie |
Michaela | Who is like God | Mika |
Galilea | From Galilee | Seg |
Isabela | My God is an oath | Isa |
Aliza | Joyful | Ali |
Jamison | Son of James | Jami |
Janelle | Fair | Jan |
Adalee | God is my refuge | Ada |
Madilynn | Woman of Magdala | Madi |
Amaris | Promised by God | Mara |
Rivka | Tie | Riv |
Aleah | Rising | Ali |
Johanna | God is gracious | Jo |
Aviana | To breathe | Avi |
Name | Meaning | Nickname |
Jude | Praised | Judie |
Ariel | Lion of God | Ari |
Eli | High | El |
Michael | Who resembles God | Mike |
Zion | Highest point | Zi |
Noah | Rest | Noe |
Asher | Blessed | Ash |
Jayden | Thankful | Jay |
Micah | He who is like God | Mike |
Elliott | The Lord is my God | Eli |
Cohen | Priest | Coco |
Benny | Blessed | Ben |
Johnnie | God is gracious | John |
Avia | My father is Yahweh | Avi |
Jordan | To flow down | Jordy |
Eden | Paradise | Edie |
Eliza | Pledged to God | Eli |
Elliot | The Lord is my God | Eli |
Shiloh | Tranquil | Shi |
Jesse | The Lord exists | Jess |
Avisar | Faultless | Avi |
Ib | He who supplants | Ibi |
Yechudi | Jewish | Yechu |
Israel | God perseveres | Izzy |
Jordyn | To flow down | Jordy |
Salem | Peaceful | Sal |
Gideon | Hewer | Gidi |
Selah | Boulder | Seli |
Jaden | Thankful | Jady |
Jamie | He who supplants | Jami |
Zayne | God is gracious | Zay |
Asa | Healer | Asi |
Jaiden | Thankful one | Jai |
Jessie | Gift | Jess |
Joey | God will increase | Joe |
Amos | To carry | Amo |
Azaria | Helped by God | Aza |
Elisha | God is my salvation | Eli |
Lea | Delicate | Le |
Shai | Gift | Shay |
Noe | Rest | Noey |
Salma | Peaceful | Sal |
Zyon | Highest point | Zy |
Toby | God is good | Tob |
Navi | Prophet | Nav |
Ash | Happy | Ashy |
Marian | Star of the sea | Mari |
Rae | Ewe | RayRay |
Arie | Lion of God | Ari |
Amariah | Yahweh has said | Ama |
Adiel | Ornament of God | Adi |
Shalom | Peace | Shali |
Sagiv | Great | Sag |
Dara | Pearl of wisdom | Dar |
Sammy | God has heard | Sam |
Elon | Oak tree | Elo |
Izzy | God contends | Izz |
Coby | Supplanter | Cob |
Shilo | Tranquil | Shi |
Aram | Elevated place | Ara |
Mickey | Who is like God | Mick |
Jessa | To behold | Jess |
Lael | Of God | Lae |
Jed | Beloved of Yahweh | Jedi |
Joni | God is gracious | Jono |
Mykel | Who is like God | Myke |
Abbie | My father is joy | Abbi |
Avalee | To live | Ava |
Ezri | Helper | Ezzy |
Mykah | Who is like God? | Myke |