Hebrew Names

400 Hebrew baby names, with 10707 views and 123 likes. This includes 119 Hebrew boy names, 211 Hebrew girl names, and 70 Hebrew gender-neutral names. Trending Hebrew names include Abigail, Josephine, Ariel, Jude, Abronoma, Aliyah, Eva, Anna, Leah, Hannah, James, Eliana, Selemon, Eli, Zion, Elkana, Uzzi, Michael, Yitro, Salome, Sadie, Shylock, Zayne, Chana, Elizabeth, Annabelle, Shalom, Madelyn, Balaam, Noah, Delilah, Asher, Abihu, Elyse, Naomi, Eila, Eden, Raelynn, Isabelle, and Ariella. Updated on March 13, 2025, at 8:29 AM.

Hebrew Names for Boys

Name Meaning Nickname
Balaam One who makes profession of religion for the sake of gain Bala
Abronoma Higher father Abro
Udi My torch Udy
James Supplanter Jamie
Selemon From Solomon Sele
Kelaiyah Jehovah is light Keke
Iancu Yahweh is gracious Ian
Shylock White-haired Shy
Beelzebub Lord of the flies Beel
Uzzi God is my strength Uzz
Yitro Abundance Yiyo
Yapheth Beautiful Yafi
Simonson To be heard Simo
Shoval Path Sho
Seraphimus Burning ones Sera
Saraph To burn Sara
Sadoc Righteous Sadie
Achish Angry Achi
Abihu He is my father Abi
Akabe Uncle Aka
Mahlen Sick Mah
Raf God who heals Raffy
Elkana God has created Elk
Zimran Vine dresser Zimmy
Zevulon Dwelling of honor Zevo
Zevekiah Of Zedekiah Zevo
Zevachiah God's sacrifice Zevo
Zerach Glowing Zero
Zedekias The Lord is just Zedo
Zedechiah The Lord is just Zedo
Zcharya Of Zachariah Zaro
Zaydok Just Zaydo
Zakariyyah The Lord recalled Zakki
Zadoc Just Zado
Zackerias The Lord recalled Zacko
Zacherish God remembers Zacho
Zacharjasz God remembers Zacho
Zachaios Pure Zacho
Zabulan Exaltation Zabo
Zaccery The Lord recalled Zacco
Yuszef God increases Yuzi
Yusuff Jehovah increases Yuzi
Yushua Yahweh is salvation Yushi
Ysmail God listens Ysy
Yovel Ram's horn Yovi
Yosi Increaser Yoyo
Yoseff The Lord increases Yosi
Yohannan God is gracious Yoyo
Yochonon Yahweh is merciful Yoyo
Yke Laughter Yoyo
Yishmael God will hear Yishi
Yishachar Reward will come Yishi
Yisachar Man of hire Yishi
Yirmeyahu Of Jeremiah Yiri
Yeremiyah The Lord exalts Yeri
Yeremiya The Lord exalts Yeri
Yeremia The Lord exalts Yeri
Yemin Son of the right hand Yemi
Yehudi Praise Yudi
Yedidiah Friend of God Yedi
Yaweh I am who is Yawi
Yanno Of John Yani
Yannakis God is gracious Yani
Yamino Son of the right hand Yami
Yakup He who supplants Yaku
Yakar Precious Yaki
Yachov Supplanter Yacho
Yachin God will establish Yachi
Yachim Established by God Yachi
Yacheem Established by God Yachi
Yaacob He who supplants Yaco
Venyamin Of Benjamin Veny
Urija Of Uriah Uri
Tuvyah God is good Tuvy
Tuviyahu God is good Tuvy
Tubal The earth Tuba
Tovyah God is good Tovy
Toviach God is good Tovi
Tov God is good Tovi
Tobit Good Tobi
Terach Wanderer Teri
Teom Twin Teo
Temeni From the south Teme
Tavor Bad luck Tavi
Talmai Abounding in furrows Tal
Syms Son of Simon Sym
Symms To hear Sym
Simyon To be heard Simy
Simmonds Son of Simon Sim
Simha Lion Sim
Shomer Watchman Sho
Shilom Peace Shi
Shefer Handsome Shef
Shalmon Peace Shal
Shafeer Ambassador Shaf
Shafar Handsome Shaf
Shabbat Finish Shab
Shabat Finish Shab
Segev Great Seg
Aron Exalted Aro

Hebrew Names for Girls

Name Meaning Nickname
Abigail My father's joy Abby
Josephine God will increase Josie
Elizabeth God's promise Liz
Aliyah Rising Ali
Hannah Favor Hana
Leah Weary Lea
Eliana God has answered Ellie
Delilah Delicate Lilah
Sadie Princess Sade
Madeline From Magdala Maddie
Raelynn Beam of light Rae
Rachel Ewe Rach
Abby Joy of the father Ab
Chana Grace Chan
Dalia Branch Dali
Dalila Delicate Dali
Josefina He will add Jose
Gabriella God is my strength Gabi
Eva Life Evie
Daniela God is my judge Dani
Rebecca To bind or tie Becca
Joanna God is gracious Jo
Briella God is my strength Bri
Anne Gracious Annie
Eve Life Evie
Sol Prayed for Soli
Ira Vigilant Iri
Bethany House of figs Beth
Azael The hazel tree of God Az
Judith Praised Judi
Jael Mountain goat Jae
Deborah Bee Deb
Jayda Wise Jay
Shoshana Lily Shosh
Amya Night rain Amy
Liora My light Lio
Anna Marie God has favored me Annmar
Naomi Pleasant Nao
Madelyn High tower Maddie
Anna Favor Ann
Sarah Noblewoman Sar
Lyla Night Ly
Josie God will add Jo
Samantha God has heard Sam
Elliana My God has answered me Ellie
Brielle Heroine of God Bri
Isabelle Pledged to God Izzy
Elsie Pledged to God Els
Bediah Servant of God Bedi
Ariella Lion of God Ari
Ruth Friend Ruthie
Sara Princess Sari
Lilah Delicate Lili
Lia Relaxed Lili
Leia Weary Lei
Miriam Wished-for child Miri
Samara Result Sami
Noa Repose Noi
Talia Dew of God Tali
Evie Life Evi
Jane Yahweh is gracious/merciful Janie
Elianna My God has answered Ellie
Gabriela God is my strength Gabi
Ariyah Lioness Ari
Annabelle Favored grace Anna
Raya Friend Ray
Madilyn Of Magdala Madi
Raelyn Ewe Rae
Sarai My princess Sara
Maryam Beloved Mary
Arielle Lion of God Ari
Daniella God is my judge Dani
Annie Grace Ani
Makayla Who resembles God Maka
Izabella God's promise Iza
Madelynn Woman from Magdala Maddy
Mariam Star of the sea Mari
Jolene God is gracious Jolie
Jessica Foresight Jess
Zilpah Frailty Zila
Noemi Beautiful Noe
Sariyah Princess Sari
Mara Bitter Mari
Chaya Life Chay
Mikayla Who resembles God Mika
Hadassah Myrtle tree Hada
Ellianna My God has answered me Ellie
Michaela Who is like God Mika
Galilea From Galilee Seg
Isabela My God is an oath Isa
Aliza Joyful Ali
Jamison Son of James Jami
Janelle Fair Jan
Adalee God is my refuge Ada
Madilynn Woman of Magdala Madi
Amaris Promised by God Mara
Rivka Tie Riv
Aleah Rising Ali
Johanna God is gracious Jo
Aviana To breathe Avi

Gender Neutral Hebrew Names

Name Meaning Nickname
Jude Praised Judie
Ariel Lion of God Ari
Eli High El
Michael Who resembles God Mike
Zion Highest point Zi
Noah Rest Noe
Asher Blessed Ash
Jayden Thankful Jay
Micah He who is like God Mike
Elliott The Lord is my God Eli
Cohen Priest Coco
Benny Blessed Ben
Johnnie God is gracious John
Avia My father is Yahweh Avi
Jordan To flow down Jordy
Eden Paradise Edie
Eliza Pledged to God Eli
Elliot The Lord is my God Eli
Shiloh Tranquil Shi
Jesse The Lord exists Jess
Avisar Faultless Avi
Ib He who supplants Ibi
Yechudi Jewish Yechu
Israel God perseveres Izzy
Jordyn To flow down Jordy
Salem Peaceful Sal
Gideon Hewer Gidi
Selah Boulder Seli
Jaden Thankful Jady
Jamie He who supplants Jami
Zayne God is gracious Zay
Asa Healer Asi
Jaiden Thankful one Jai
Jessie Gift Jess
Joey God will increase Joe
Amos To carry Amo
Azaria Helped by God Aza
Elisha God is my salvation Eli
Lea Delicate Le
Shai Gift Shay
Noe Rest Noey
Salma Peaceful Sal
Zyon Highest point Zy
Toby God is good Tob
Navi Prophet Nav
Ash Happy Ashy
Marian Star of the sea Mari
Rae Ewe RayRay
Arie Lion of God Ari
Amariah Yahweh has said Ama
Adiel Ornament of God Adi
Shalom Peace Shali
Sagiv Great Sag
Dara Pearl of wisdom Dar
Sammy God has heard Sam
Elon Oak tree Elo
Izzy God contends Izz
Coby Supplanter Cob
Shilo Tranquil Shi
Aram Elevated place Ara
Mickey Who is like God Mick
Jessa To behold Jess
Lael Of God Lae
Jed Beloved of Yahweh Jedi
Joni God is gracious Jono
Mykel Who is like God Myke
Abbie My father is joy Abbi
Avalee To live Ava
Ezri Helper Ezzy
Mykah Who is like God? Myke