Iancu Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

Likes 1
Views 30
Boy Ranking 13
Overall Ranking 54
Updated 02 Mar 2025 at 13:22:35

Iancu Name Meaning and Origin

Iancu is a baby boy name that means "" and "Yahweh is gracious". The name Iancu comes from the "Hebrew" and "Romanian" origins. A common nickname for Iancu is Ian. It ranks 13th among boys names and 54th overall, with 30 views and 1 like.

Nicknames for Iancu

Iancu’s featured nickname is Ian, but you can also consider these names: Iani, Cucu, Icu, Ancu, Nucu, Ika, and Yani. Additionally, you can use Nanc, Rian, Lian, Liana, Ysian, Viana, Lianu, Janca, Zevian, Yusian, Yovian, Yosian, Nancie, Lianie and Jancie as Iancu nickname.

Iancu Name Infographics

Infographic of Iancu name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Iancu means Yahweh is gracious, and Ian is a nickname for Iancu.

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Sibling Names for Iancu

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Names Like Iancu

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Lianna My God is an oath Lia
Marian Star of the sea Mari
Nancy Grace Nan
Aviana To breathe Avi
Elianna My God has answered Ellie
Eliana God has answered Ellie