Isobel Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

Likes 0
Views 5
Girl Ranking 187
Overall Ranking 370
Updated 11 Mar 2025 at 17:06:55

Isobel Name Meaning and Origin

Isobel is a baby girl name that means "pledged to God" and "God's promise". The name Isobel comes from the "Hebrew" origin. A common nickname for Isobel is Iso. It ranks 187th among girls names and 370th overall, with 5 views and 0 likes.

Nicknames for Isobel

Isobel’s featured nickname is Iso, but you can also consider these names: Issy, Bella, Isy, Izzie, Sobi, Bel, Isoba, Isi, and Isbo. Additionally, you can use Viso, Bela, Miso, Tobe, Liso, Cobe, Belle, Belli, Sison, Tobes, Abella, Sabela, Sabelle, Annabel, Shilobear and Anabellabear as Isobel nickname.

Isobel Name Infographics

Infographic of Isobel name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Isobel means God's promise, and Iso is a nickname for Isobel.

Names with the Same Meaning as Isobel

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Sibling Names for Isobel

Name Meaning Nickname
Shilom Peace Shi
Ilana Tree Ilani
Talmai Abounding in furrows Tal
Alizah Joyful Ali
Abilene Stream Abi
Dalila Delicate Dali
Jubilee Joyful celebration Jubi
Dalia Branch Dali
Aliza Joyful Ali
Galilea From Galilee Seg
Aliyah Rising Ali
Leia Weary Lei
Lia Relaxed Lili
Lilah Delicate Lili
Abigail My father's joy Abby

Names Like Isobel

Name Meaning Nickname
Anabella Grace Ana
Jamison Son of James Jami
Isabela My God is an oath Isa
Annabelle Favored grace Anna