Jeannell Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

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Views 4
Girl Ranking 395
Overall Ranking 617
Updated 16 Mar 2025 at 23:13:42

Jeannell Name Meaning and Origin

Jeannell is a baby girl name that means "graced by Yahweh" and "God is gracious". The name Jeannell comes from the "Hebrew" origin. A common nickname for Jeannell is Jeane. It ranks 395th among girls names and 617th overall, with 4 views and 0 likes.

Nicknames for Jeannell

Jeannell’s featured nickname is Jeane, but you can also consider these nicknames: Nell, Jeannie, Janelle, Jeann, Nellie, Jeannella, Jeannelle, Jeannetta, and Jeannellie. Additionally, you can use Jann, Jean, Janny, Janna, Janel, Jannu, Jonel, Joann, Jeana, Jeany, Jeani, Joell, Jannie, Jannan, Jornel, Jannia, Joannie, Janella, Judelle, and Jobelle as Jeannell nicknames.

Other Nicknames for Jeannell

Jaellyn, Jeannia, Jobynne, Jannette, Josannie, Jesselle, Jordelle, Jodianne, Janielle, Jordynne, Johnelle, Jeannina, Jeannika, Juttelle, Janynelle, Jodiannei, Jaellette, Jeannette, Jordynelle, Ann, Ell, Elle, Dell, Anni, Anny, Ella, Ello, Nela, Neli, Elly, Anna, Anno, Elli, Rell, Anne, Nann, Dann, Ellie, Hanny and Annah.

Jeannell Name Infographics

Infographic of Jeannell name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Jeannell means God is gracious, and Jeane is a nickname for Jeannell.

Names with the Same Meaning as Jeannell

Name Meaning Nickname
Jeannette God Is Gracious Jeannette
Joneen Graced By Yahweh Joni
Shavona God Is Gracious Shavi
Shene Lily She
Jeannie God Is Gracious Jean
Johnsie God Is Gracious John
Chivonne God Is Gracious Chiv
Janey God Is Gracious Jane
Giannina God Is Gracious Gia
Janyne God Is Gracious Jani

Sibling Names for Jeannell

Name Meaning Nickname
Jubilee Joyful celebration Jubi

Names Like Jeannell

Name Meaning Nickname
Ellyce My God is the Lord Ellie
Joell Jehovah is the Lord Joell
Abella Vapor Bella
Hannya A place to rest Hanya
Arella Messenger of God Arell
Aleana Going up Alea
Zannie Lily Zani
Erielle Lion of God Eri
Lewanna Shining white one Lew
Raelle Ewe Rae
Sunel Lily Suni
Adrielle Flock of God Adi
Jaelle Mountain goat Jae
Aviella God is my father Avi
Jodianne He will add Jodi
Nanelle Grace Nani
Dannie God is my judge Dani
Sharon Ann A plain Sharann
Ruthellen Friend Ruth
Madella High tower Madi
Rachell Ewe Rach
Josanne Jehovah increases Josa
Maryanne Bitterness Mary
Maribella Drop of the sea Mari
Nann Of Hannah Nani
Rachelle Ewe Rach