Josephine Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

Likes 6
Views 199
Girl Ranking 2
Overall Ranking 2
Updated 05 Mar 2025 at 16:53:18

Josephine Name Meaning and Origin

Josephine is a baby girl name that means "she shall grow", "she shall add", and "God will increase". The name Josephine comes from the "Hebrew" and "French" origins. A common nickname for Josephine is Josie. It ranks 2nd among girls names and 2nd overall, with 199 views and 6 likes.

Nicknames for Josephine

Josephine’s featured nickname is Josie, but you can also consider these names: Jo, Joey, Sephie, Phina, Joss, Jojo, Fifi, Jos, and Jophie. Additionally, you can use Josi, Josy, Jose, Josa, Josu, Josea, Josan, Josey, Phi, Hin, Phim, Phin, Yosel, Yoseo, Chino, Chinu, Chini, Phimy, Phiro and Philo as Josephine nickname.

Other Nicknames for Josephine

Phini, Phimus, Serphi, Phinie and Raphie.

Josephine Name Infographics

Infographic of Josephine name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Josephine means God will increase, and Josie is a nickname for Josephine.

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