Ruthetta Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

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Views 5
Girl Ranking 353
Overall Ranking 564
Updated 16 Mar 2025 at 10:38:02

Ruthetta Name Meaning and Origin

Ruthetta is a baby girl name that means "friend". The name Ruthetta comes from the "Hebrew" origin. A common nickname for Ruthetta is Ruthie. It ranks 353rd among girls names and 564th overall, with 5 views and 0 likes.

Nicknames for Ruthetta

Ruthetta’s featured nickname is Ruthie, but you can also consider these nicknames: Etta, Rhetta, Ruthi, Rutta, Retta, Therie, Rurett, Rutha, and Ettie. Additionally, you can use Ruty, Ruth, Ruta, Ruthy, Ritta, Rutie, Ruthia, Ruthea, Ruthez, Ruthina, Ruthara, Ruthiel, Ruthora, Ruthella, Ruthanne, Ruthalyn, Ruthessa, Ruthinae, Ruthy-bear, and Ett as Ruthetta nicknames.

Other Nicknames for Ruthetta

Etty, Phet, Bett, Thea, Ette, Thee, Utha, Thel, Nett, Betty, Pheth, Phetu, Juthy, Betta, Betti, Bette, Betto, Netta, Letta, Letti, Setty, Nette, Anett, Ketta, Thelle, Thelly, Bettiy, Nettie, Jethen, Thella, Bethea, Thelie, Nettia, Odette, Bettie, Juttae, Azetta, Asetta, Iritta and Lettie.

Ruthetta Name Infographics

Infographic of Ruthetta name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Ruthetta means friend, and Ruthie is a nickname for Ruthetta.

Names with the Same Meaning as Ruthetta

Name Meaning Nickname
Ruthe Friend Rutha
Ruthellen Friend Ruth
Rei Friend Rey
Ruthine Friend Ruth
Edin Pleasure Edi
Ruthelle Friend Ruth
Anissa Favor Ani
Ahuva Beloved Ahu
Jed Beloved Of Yahweh Jedi
Ruthie Friend Ruth

Sibling Names for Ruthetta

Name Meaning Nickname
Raham Merciful Rah
Reba O tie firmly Ree
Raphaello Healing God Rap
Nira Plowed field Niri
Ravel To undo Rav
Arella Messenger of God Arell
Reuban A son Reu
Urina Of Uriah Uri
Sacar A prince Sac
Aarona Of arnina Aaro
Sachar True Sach
Arliss Pledge Arli
Sarafino Burning ones Fino
Sharren A fertile plain Shar
Saraph To burn Sara
Carmesa Garden Car
Aron Exalted Aro
Urena Brightness Ure
Seraphimus Burning ones Sera
Deberah Bee Deb

Names Like Ruthetta

Name Meaning Nickname
Jeannette God is gracious Jeannette
Anett He (God) has favored me Annie
Rutha Companion Ruth
Jutta Jewish woman Jutt
Bettine God's promise Bett
Simonetta Listen Simo
Judithe Woman of Judea Judi
Carmaletta Garden Carma
Janette God is gracious Janet
Netty He (God) has favored me Nett
Bethel House of God Beth
Betta God is my oath Bett
Bett God is my oath Bette
Bethea Daughter of Jehovah Beth
Betty Oath of God Bett
Yapheth Beautiful Yafi