Samara Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

Likes 0
Views 19
Girl Ranking 67
Overall Ranking 136
Updated 03 Mar 2025 at 12:22:34

Samara Name Meaning and Origin

Samara is a baby girl name that means "Elm-tree seed", "guardian", "reward", and "result". The name Samara comes from the "Hebrew" and "Arabic" origins. A common nickname for Samara is Sami. It ranks 67th among girls names and 136th overall, with 19 views and 0 likes.

Nicknames for Samara

Samara’s featured nickname is Sami, but you can also consider these names: Mara, Samy, Sasa, Amara, Sama, Mari, Saru, Samu, and Aria. Additionally, you can use Sam, Sara, Samo, Samm, Sammy, Sammi, Shara, Sammu, Sammie, Samsam, Sammyo, Samari, Sammers, Ama, Ara, Mar, Zara, Rara, Mary and Maro as Samara nickname.

Other Nicknames for Samara

  • Maru
  • Mars
  • Dara
  • Nama
  • Ysmar
  • Marri
  • Marla
  • Maris
  • Marij
  • Marja
  • Amari
  • Laman
  • Darao
  • Chama
  • Amaya
  • Arami
  • Marita
  • Marisy
  • Marnie
  • Marjay

Samara Name Infographics

Infographic of Samara name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Samara means result, and Sami is a nickname for Samara.

Names with the Same Meaning as Samara

Sorry, we don't have a list of names with the same meaning as Samara.

Sibling Names for Samara

Name Meaning Nickname
Shabat Finish Shab
Josefina He will add Jose
Shabbat Finish Shab
Analise Favor Ana
Shafeer Ambassador Shaf
Batsheva Daughter of the oath Basha
Shalmon Peace Shal
Isela Rock Isi
Shoval Path Sho
Josephina Increaser Jo
Simha Lion Sim
Shoshana Lily Shosh
Yannakis God is gracious Yani
Anais Merciful Ana
Yushua Yahweh is salvation Yushi
Jessica Foresight Jess
Zachaios Pure Zacho
Zacherish God remembers Zacho
Zackerias The Lord recalled Zacko
Zedekias The Lord is just Zedo

Names Like Samara

Name Meaning Nickname
Anna Marie God has favored me Annmar
Aram Elevated place Ara
Sammy God has heard Sam
Nechama Comfort Necha
Dara Pearl of wisdom Dar
Salaman Peaceful Sal
Zarah Princess Zara
Amariah Yahweh has said Ama
Mary Jane Drop of the sea Marjay
Mary Beloved Mara
Marian Star of the sea Mari
Samuello God heard Sam
Sarafino Burning ones Fino
Saraph To burn Sara
Adara Beauty Ada
Amaris Promised by God Mara
Mara Bitter Mari
Mariam Star of the sea Mari
Maryam Beloved Mary
Sarai My princess Sara
Sara Princess Sari
Samantha God has heard Sam
Sarah Noblewoman Sar
Amanda Worthy of love Mandy