Selemon Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

Likes 2
Views 53
Boy Ranking 4
Overall Ranking 17
Updated 01 Mar 2025 at 22:49:20

Selemon Name Meaning and Origin

Selemon is a baby boy name that means "peace" and "from Solomon". The name Selemon comes from the "Hebrew" origin. A common nickname for Selemon is Sele. It ranks 4th among boys names and 17th overall, with 53 views and 2 likes.

Nicknames for Selemon

Selemon’s featured nickname is Sele, but you can also consider these names: Mon, Selo, Lemo, Selly, Moni, SeloM, Lemon, Sel, and Mony. Additionally, you can use Seli, Sela, Selae, Sello, Salmon, Shallymon, Lele, Mona, Yemo, Lemi, Alem, Temo, Mono, Mone, Yosel, Lemmy, Monds, Mondy, Monny and Adele as Selemon nickname.

Other Nicknames for Selemon

  • Monson
  • Monnie
  • Leelee

Selemon Name Infographics

Infographic of Selemon name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Selemon means from Solomon, and Sele is a nickname for Selemon.

Names with the Same Meaning as Selemon

Sorry, we don't have a list of names with the same meaning as Selemon.

Sibling Names for Selemon

Name Meaning Nickname
Sansom Of the sun San
Susana Lily Susi
Sarafino Burning ones Fino
Hosanna Save Hosa
Yannakis God is gracious Yani
Sarina Princess Sara
Shoshana Lily Shosh
Susanna Lily Susa
Susan Lily Sue
Anais Merciful Ana
Samantha God has heard Sam

Names Like Selemon

Name Meaning Nickname
Isela Rock Isi
Simmonds Son of Simon Sim
Simonson To be heard Simo
Selah Boulder Seli
Salem Peaceful Sal