Tobit Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

Likes 0
Views 13
Boy Ranking 92
Overall Ranking 242
Updated 05 Mar 2025 at 07:47:01

Tobit Name Meaning and Origin

Tobit is a baby boy name that means "God is good" and "good". The name Tobit comes from the "Hebrew" origin. A common nickname for Tobit is Tobi. It ranks 92nd among boys names and 242nd overall, with 13 views and 0 likes.

Nicknames for Tobit

Tobit’s featured nickname is Tobi, but you can also consider these names: Toby, Bit, Tobie, Tobbo, Tobin, Bito, Tobito, Toba, and Tobsy. Additionally, you can use Tob, Tobe, Tobs, Tobes, Tobby, Obi, Nobi, Cobi, Bitt, Sobi, Gabita and Cobito as Tobit nickname.

Tobit Name Infographics

Infographic of Tobit name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Tobit means good, and Tobi is a nickname for Tobit.

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Sibling Names for Tobit

Name Meaning Nickname
Talmai Abounding in furrows Tal
Batsheva Daughter of the oath Basha
Temeni From the south Teme
Ruthie Friend Ruth
Teom Twin Teo
Bethany House of figs Beth
Tubal The earth Tuba
Ruth Friend Ruthie
Yapheth Beautiful Yafi

Names Like Tobit

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