Yechudi Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

Likes 0
Views 15
Unisex Ranking 31
Overall Ranking 204
Updated 02 Mar 2025 at 11:42:39

Yechudi Name Meaning and Origin

Yechudi is a gender-neutral baby name that means "Jewish woman", "praise", "praise", "from the kingdom of Judah", "Judean", and "Jewish". The name Yechudi comes from the "Hebrew" origin. A common nickname for Yechudi is Yechu. It ranks 31st among gender-neutral names and 204th overall, with 15 views and 0 likes.

Nicknames for Yechudi

Yechudi’s featured nickname is Yechu, but you can also consider these names: Chudi, Yedu, Yechy, Hudi, Chudo, Yuchi, Yudi, Yeco, and Yech. Additionally, you can use Yochu, Yachu, Judi, Achu, Zech, Udie, Nech, Judie, Nochu, Tachu, Necha, Nechy, Zechao and Brachu as Yechudi nickname.

Yechudi Name Infographics

Infographic of Yechudi name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Yechudi means Jewish, and Yechu is a nickname for Yechudi.

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Sibling Names for Yechudi

Name Meaning Nickname
Simyon To be heard Simy
Aniya Gracious Ani
Yannakis God is gracious Yani
Nyomi Pleasant Nyo
Yishmael God will hear Yishi
Mikayla Who resembles God Mika
Yitro Abundance Yiyo
Sariyah Princess Sari
Yosi Increaser Yoyo
Ariyah Lioness Ari
Ysmail God listens Ysy
Aliyah Rising Ali

Names Like Yechudi

Name Meaning Nickname
Nechama Comfort Necha
Udi My torch Udy
Zedechiah The Lord is just Zedo