Zerach Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

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Views 22
Boy Ranking 37
Overall Ranking 123
Updated 02 Mar 2025 at 05:36:18

Zerach Name Meaning and Origin

Zerach is a baby boy name that means "shining", "light", and "glowing". The name Zerach comes from the "Hebrew" origin. A common nickname for Zerach is Zero. It ranks 37th among boys names and 123rd overall, with 22 views and 0 likes.

Nicknames for Zerach

Zerach’s featured nickname is Zero, but you can also consider these names: Zeri, Racho, Zevach, Zaro, Zery, Zericho, Zeran, Zacho, and Zeru. Additionally, you can use Zacha, Zeris, Zerius, Zacher, Zachry, Zevacho, Achi, Achu, Yach, Rach, Sera, Sach, Dera, Sacha, Sacho, Yerah, Yacho, Yachy, Yachi and Yachu as Zerach nickname.

Other Nicknames for Zerach

Rachi, Rachy, Vachi, Viach, Tachu, Sachi, Sachy, Brach, Racha, Braci, Braco, Shacha, Shacho, Raerae, Chacha, Tovach, Seraph, Brachi, Brachy, Brachu, Brachae and Sera-bee.

Zerach Name Infographics

Infographic of Zerach name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Zerach means glowing, and Zero is a nickname for Zerach.

Names with the Same Meaning as Zerach

Sorry, we don't have a list of names with the same meaning as Zerach.

Sibling Names for Zerach

Name Meaning Nickname
Zakariyyah The Lord recalled Zakki
Alizah Joyful Ali
Lizbeth God is my oath Lizzy
Keziah Cinnamon bark Kez
Zilpah Frailty Zila
Elizabeth God's promise Liz

Names Like Zerach

Name Meaning Nickname
Bracha Blessing Brach
Sachar True Sach
Sachiell God is my righteousness Sach
Seraphina Burning ones Sera
Seraphimus Burning ones Sera
Terach Wanderer Teri
Toviach God is good Tovi
Rachel Ewe Rach
Yacheem Established by God Yachi
Yachim Established by God Yachi
Yachin God will establish Yachi
Yachov Supplanter Yacho
Yisachar Man of hire Yishi
Yishachar Reward will come Yishi
Zachaios Pure Zacho
Zacharjasz God remembers Zacho
Zacherish God remembers Zacho
Zevachiah God's sacrifice Zevo
Achish Angry Achi