Briella Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

Likes 1
Views 29
Girl Ranking 34
Overall Ranking 69
Updated 06 Mar 2025 at 10:55:40

Briella Name Meaning and Origin

Briella is a baby girl name that means "God is my strength". The name Briella comes from the "Hebrew" and "Italian" origins. A common nickname for Briella is Bri. It ranks 34th among girls names and 69th overall, with 29 views and 1 like.

Nicknames for Briella

Briella’s featured nickname is Bri, but you can also consider these names: Ella, Brie, Rella, Brielle, Bibi, Ellie, Bria, Riri, and Lala. Additionally, you can use Briel, Billa, Bella, Belle, Belli, Ell, Riel, Arie, Elle, Dell, Ello, Elly, Elli, Irie, Nell, Rell, Diel, Aiel, Ciel and Orie as Briella nickname.

Other Nicknames for Briella

Selly, Zella, Lella, Aella, Relli, Lilla, Riela, Riely, Relle, Nella, Della, Nelly, Zelly, Morie, Darie, Sarie, Mello, Ariee, Ariel, Relly, Salla, Aiela, Dalla, Mella, Melli, Melly, Zarie, Celli, Sello, Chiel, Rello, Lorie, Velle, Vella, Lelle, Ezrie, Anrie, Ellie., Rielle and Rellie.

Briella Name Infographics

Infographic of Briella name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Briella means God is my strength, and Bri is a nickname for Briella.

Names with the Same Meaning as Briella

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Sibling Names for Briella

Name Meaning Nickname
Reuban A son Reu
Abilene Stream Abi
Tubal The earth Tuba
Batsheva Daughter of the oath Basha
Yaacob He who supplants Yaco
Debora Bee Deb
Akabe Uncle Aka
Rebeca To bind Becca
Rebekah To tie firmly Becky
Deborah Bee Deb
Bethany House of figs Beth
Rebecca To bind or tie Becca

Names Like Briella

Name Meaning Nickname
Isabell God's promise Isa
Anna Marie God has favored me Annmar
Anabella Grace Ana
Chevelle My God is a vow Chevy
Raphaello Healing God Rap
Raphello Healing God Rap
Sachiell God is my righteousness Sach
Carmella Garden Carma
Adiel Ornament of God Adi
Ariela Lion or lioness of God Ari
Arie Lion of God Ari
Samuello God heard Sam
Janelle Fair Jan
Ellianna My God has answered me Ellie
Izabella God's promise Iza
Daniella God is my judge Dani
Arielle Lion of God Ari
Annabelle Favored grace Anna
Daniela God is my judge Dani
Ariella Lion of God Ari
Isabelle Pledged to God Izzy
Elliot The Lord is my God Eli
Elliana My God has answered me Ellie
Elliott The Lord is my God Eli
Dariel Open Dari
Ariel Lion of God Ari