Rebekah Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

Likes 0
Views 10
Girl Ranking 152
Overall Ranking 310
Updated 06 Mar 2025 at 17:29:40

Rebekah Name Meaning and Origin

Rebekah is a baby girl name that means "captivating beauty" and "to tie firmly". The name Rebekah comes from the "Hebrew" and "Semitic" origins. A common nickname for Rebekah is Becky. It ranks 152nd among girls names and 310th overall, with 10 views and 0 likes.

Nicknames for Rebekah

Rebekah’s featured nickname is Becky, but you can also consider these names: Beka, Bekah, Reba, Bex, Beky, Beki, Bekkie, Reka, and Beka-Boo. Additionally, you can use Rebe, Rebo, Rebby, Rebie, Raeka, Eka, Bebe, Zekas, Mykahy, Mykahs and Mykahn as Rebekah nickname.

Rebekah Name Infographics

Infographic of Rebekah name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Rebekah means to tie firmly, and Becky is a nickname for Rebekah.

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Sibling Names for Rebekah

Name Meaning Nickname
Raphaello Healing God Rap
Bracha Blessing Brach
Raphello Healing God Rap
Rochel Ewe Roch
Sachar True Sach
Sharon A fertile plain Shari
Seraphimus Burning ones Sera
Saphiros Sapphire Saph
Shafar Handsome Shaf
Seraphina Burning ones Sera
Shefer Handsome Shef
Ruthie Friend Ruth
Shomer Watchman Sho
Rachel Ewe Rach
Terach Wanderer Teri
Ruth Friend Ruthie
Yisachar Man of hire Yishi
Yishachar Reward will come Yishi
Zacharjasz God remembers Zacho
Zacherish God remembers Zacho

Names Like Rebekah

Name Meaning Nickname
Mykah Who is like God? Myke