Elsa Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

Likes 0
Views 14
Girl Ranking 129
Overall Ranking 269
Updated 06 Mar 2025 at 17:33:23

Elsa Name Meaning and Origin

Elsa is a baby girl name that means "truth", "my God is abundance", and "my God is an oath". The name Elsa comes from the "Hebrew", "German", "Italian", "Portuguese", "Scandinavian", and "Spanish" origins. A common nickname for Elsa is Els. It ranks 129th among girls names and 269th overall, with 14 views and 0 likes.

Nicknames for Elsa

Elsa’s featured nickname is Els, but you can also consider these names: Elsie, Elle, Elsy, Lsa, Lissy, Essie, Elza, Eli, and Sasa. Additionally, you can use El, Ely, Elz, Ell, Elk, Ela, Elo, Elu, Ele, Elia, Elie, Ella, Ello, Elio, Elsi, Elsa, Elki, Elko, Elya and Elly as Elsa nickname.

Other Nicknames for Elsa

Elah, Essa, Elli, Elii, Elan, Eloo, Elaa, Eliza, Ellie, Elito, Elita, Ellie., Ezriel, Rel, Del, Sae, Sar, Kel, Zel, Sel, Sam, Isa, Sal, Sai, Jel, Sah, San, Sag, Sac, Vel, Bel, Sab, Lel, Riel, Leli, Deli, Dell, Lele, Sade and Sadi.

Elsa Name Infographics

Infographic of Elsa name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Elsa means my God is an oath, and Els is a nickname for Elsa.

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Sibling Names for Elsa

Name Meaning Nickname
Reuban A son Reu
Josefina He will add Jose
Seraphimus Burning ones Sera
Abilene Stream Abi
Yapheth Beautiful Yafi
Devora Bee Dev
Yeremia The Lord exalts Yeri
Rena Melody Ren
Yeremiya The Lord exalts Yeri
Edna Renewer Edi
Yeremiyah The Lord exalts Yeri
Debora Bee Deb
Zaccery The Lord recalled Zacco
Josephina Increaser Jo
Zackerias The Lord recalled Zacko
Nechama Comfort Necha
Zerach Glowing Zero
Eila Torch Eily
Mahlen Sick Mah
Rebeca To bind Becca

Names Like Elsa

Name Meaning Nickname
Elsie Pledged to God Els