Jemima Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

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Views 2
Girl Ranking 241
Overall Ranking 439
Updated 14 Mar 2025 at 13:24:50

Jemima Name Meaning and Origin

Jemima is a baby girl name that means "day-to-day" and "dove". The name Jemima comes from the "Hebrew" origin. A common nickname for Jemima is Jemi. It ranks 241st among girls names and 439th overall, with 2 views and 0 likes.

Nicknames for Jemima

Jemima’s featured nickname is Jemi, but you can also consider these nicknames: Mima, Jem, Mimi, Jemma, Jimo, Jiji, MimaBear, Jima, and Emmie. Additionally, you can use Emi, Remi, Yemi, Lemi, Rima, Temi, Sima, Hima, Ziman, Remia, Emiya, Temino, and Noemiya as Jemima nicknames.

Jemima Name Infographics

Infographic of Jemima name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Jemima means dove, and Jemi is a nickname for Jemima.

Names with the Same Meaning as Jemima

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Sibling Names for Jemima

Name Meaning Nickname
Urija Of Uriah Uri
Jania God is gracious Jani
Zacharjasz God remembers Zacho
Jamya Yahweh may protect Jami
James Supplanter Jamie
Joann God is gracious Jo
Janna God is gracious Jan
Jayne God is gracious Jay
Josefina He will add Jose
Janice God has been gracious Jan
Johana God is gracious Joha
Josephina Increaser Jo
Jannah Paradise Jan
Janie God is gracious Jan
Jana God is gracious Jani
Jayda Wise Jay
Jael Mountain goat Jae
Joan God is gracious Jo
Johanna God is gracious Jo
Janelle Fair Jan

Names Like Jemima

Name Meaning Nickname
Noemi Beautiful Noe
Yemin Son of the right hand Yemi
Yeremia The Lord exalts Yeri
Yeremiya The Lord exalts Yeri
Yeremiyah The Lord exalts Yeri