Yemin Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

Likes 0
Views 14
Boy Ranking 87
Overall Ranking 224
Updated 02 Mar 2025 at 11:39:09

Yemin Name Meaning and Origin

Yemin is a baby boy name that means "promise", "oath", "son of my old age", "son of the south", and "son of the right hand". The name Yemin comes from the "Hebrew" origin. A common nickname for Yemin is Yemi. It ranks 87th among boys names and 224th overall, with 14 views and 0 likes.

Nicknames for Yemin

Yemin’s featured nickname is Yemi, but you can also consider these names: Mino, Yeno, Minu, Yemmy, Yinu, Yemo, Yino, Emi, and Meny. Additionally, you can use Yamin, Remi, Miny, Lemi, Temi, Remia, Emiya, Temino and Noemiya as Yemin nickname.

Yemin Name Infographics

Infographic of Yemin name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Yemin means son of the right hand, and Yemi is a nickname for Yemin.

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Sibling Names for Yemin

Name Meaning Nickname
Simyon To be heard Simy
Jordynn Down-flowing Jordy
Yannakis God is gracious Yani
Elyana God has answered Elya
Yochonon Yahweh is merciful Yoyo
Anayah God has answered Anya
Yohannan God is gracious Yoyo
Aniya Gracious Ani
Nancy Grace Nan
Madalyn From Magdala Madi
Madelynn Woman from Magdala Maddy
Raelyn Ewe Rae

Names Like Yemin

Name Meaning Nickname
Noemi Beautiful Noe
Yeremia The Lord exalts Yeri
Yeremiya The Lord exalts Yeri
Yeremiyah The Lord exalts Yeri