Leora Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

Likes 0
Views 7
Girl Ranking 173
Overall Ranking 345
Updated 10 Mar 2025 at 16:58:57

Leora Name Meaning and Origin

Leora is a baby girl name that means "light" and "my light". The name Leora comes from the "Hebrew" and "Greek" origins. A common nickname for Leora is Leo. It ranks 173rd among girls names and 345th overall, with 7 views and 0 likes.

Nicknames for Leora

Leora’s featured nickname is Leo, but you can also consider these names: Lora, Lori, Lele, Lero, Ora, Lorie, Lorae, Rora, and Leori. Additionally, you can use Liora, Liorabear, Dora, Mora, Vora, Bora, Oran, Vorah and Deborabear as Leora nickname.

Leora Name Infographics

Infographic of Leora name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Leora means my light, and Leo is a nickname for Leora.

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Sibling Names for Leora

Name Meaning Nickname
Salaman Peaceful Sal
Ayala Gazelle Aya
Salomone Peace Sal
Isabell God's promise Isa
Salomo Peace Sal
Ilana Tree Ilani
Samuello God heard Sam
Athalia Yahweh exalted Atha
Shalmon Peace Shal
Alizah Joyful Ali
Shoval Path Sho
Malina Tower Mali
Talmai Abounding in furrows Tal
Taliah Dew from God Tali
Tubal The earth Tuba
Anabella Grace Ana
Yishmael God will hear Yishi
Liya I am with God Li
Ysmail God listens Ysy
Isela Rock Isi

Names Like Leora

Name Meaning Nickname
Devora Bee Dev
Debora Bee Deb
Eliora God is my light Eli
Devorah Bee Dev
Deborah Bee Deb