Greek Names

37 Greek baby names, with 906 views and 10 likes. This includes 6 Greek boy names, 30 Greek girl names, and 1 Greek gender-neutral names. Trending Greek names include Alex, Anna, Eva, Eliana, Madelyn, Eila, Madilynn, Samantha, Elliana, Joanna, Madelynn, Yannakis, Madilyn, Yachov, Yochonon, Elianna, Sara, Bethany, Madalyn, Nancy, Talia, Ira, Adara, Johanna, Mary, Yaweh, Alisa, Symms, Izzy, Miah, Magdalene, Susana, Leora, Taliah, Annabeth, Johana, and Alisa. Updated on March 11, 2025, at 5:31 PM.

Greek Names that start with A

Name Meaning Nickname
Alex Defender of humankind Lex
Anna Favor Ann
Adara Beauty Ada
Alisa Great happiness Ali
Alisa Great happiness Ali
Annabeth Favor Anna

Greek Names that start with B

Name Meaning Nickname
Bethany House of figs Beth

Greek Names that start with E

Name Meaning Nickname
Eliana God has answered Ellie
Eva Life Evie
Elliana My God has answered me Ellie
Elianna My God has answered Ellie
Eila Torch Eily

Greek Names that start with I

Name Meaning Nickname
Ira Vigilant Iri
Izzy God contends Izz

Greek Names that start with J

Name Meaning Nickname
Joanna God is gracious Jo
Johanna God is gracious Jo
Johana God is gracious Joha

Greek Names that start with L

Name Meaning Nickname
Leora My light Leo

Greek Names that start with M

Name Meaning Nickname
Madelyn High tower Maddie
Madilyn Of Magdala Madi
Madelynn Woman from Magdala Maddy
Madilynn Woman of Magdala Madi
Madalyn From Magdala Madi
Miah Bitterness Mi
Mary Beloved Mara
Magdalene Woman from Magdala Mag

Greek Names that start with N

Name Meaning Nickname
Nancy Grace Nan

Greek Names that start with S

Name Meaning Nickname
Symms To hear Sym
Samantha God has heard Sam
Sara Princess Sari
Susana Lily Susi

Greek Names that start with T

Name Meaning Nickname
Talia Dew of God Tali
Taliah Dew from God Tali

Greek Names that start with Y

Name Meaning Nickname
Yochonon Yahweh is merciful Yoyo
Yaweh I am who is Yawi
Yannakis God is gracious Yani
Yachov Supplanter Yacho