Rochel Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

Likes 0
Views 5
Girl Ranking 174
Overall Ranking 345
Updated 11 Mar 2025 at 12:38:29

Rochel Name Meaning and Origin

Rochel is a baby girl name that means "rock" and "ewe". The name Rochel comes from the "Hebrew" and "French" origins. A common nickname for Rochel is Roch. It ranks 174th among girls names and 345th overall, with 5 views and 0 likes.

Nicknames for Rochel

Rochel’s featured nickname is Roch, but you can also consider these names: Roche, Chel, Chelle, Ro, RoRo, Rocky, Rocy, Rochy, and Rella. Additionally, you can use Chev, Yochi, Yochu, Yochy, Cheem, Chela, Nochu, Chevy, Chevi, Zacher, Cheemy, Phello, Chevvy, Cherish, Chevito, Chevster, Chevvyroo and Chevvybear as Rochel nickname.

Rochel Name Infographics

Infographic of Rochel name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Rochel means ewe, and Roch is a nickname for Rochel.

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