Tzipora Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

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Views 1
Girl Ranking 315
Overall Ranking 525
Updated 15 Mar 2025 at 00:27:17

Tzipora Name Meaning and Origin

Tzipora is a baby girl name that means "bird". The name Tzipora comes from the "Hebrew" origin. A common nickname for Tzipora is Tzi. It ranks 315th among girls names and 525th overall, with 1 view and 0 likes.

Nicknames for Tzipora

Tzipora’s featured nickname is Tzi, but you can also consider these nicknames: Pora, Zippy, Tzippy, Zipa, Tziri, Pori, Zizi, Tora, and Zipi. Additionally, you can use Ora, Dora, Mora, Vora, Lora, Rora, Bora, Oran, Ziph, Jora, Zora, Vorah, Lorae, Liora, Zorah, Zippa, Ziphi, Debora, Zorahy, and Zoraya as Tzipora nicknames.

Other Nicknames for Tzipora

Zilora, Zorahna, Zorahli, Liorabear and Deborabear.

Tzipora Name Infographics

Infographic of Tzipora name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Tzipora means bird, and Tzi is a nickname for Tzipora.

Names with the Same Meaning as Tzipora

Name Meaning Nickname
Zipporah Bird Zippy
Avia My Father Is Yahweh Avi
Zamira Nightingale Zami
Aviana To Breathe Avi

Sibling Names for Tzipora

Name Meaning Nickname
Shabat Finish Shab
Atalia The Lord is exalted Tali
Shabbat Finish Shab
Tehila Praise song Tehi
Talmai Abounding in furrows Tal
Bethea Daughter of Jehovah Beth
Toviach God is good Tovi
Talya Dew from god Tal
Tovyah God is good Tovy
Tamari Palm tree Tami
Tubal The earth Tuba
Tali My lamb Tal
Tuviyahu God is good Tuvy
Athalee Of Athalia Atha
Tuvyah God is good Tuvy
Tamar Date palm Tam
Yapheth Beautiful Yafi
Athalia Yahweh exalted Atha
Annabeth Favor Anna
Batsheva Daughter of the oath Basha

Names Like Tzipora

Name Meaning Nickname
Zorah Dawn Zora
Devora Bee Dev
Debora Bee Deb
Liora My light Lio
Eliora God is my light Eli
Leora My light Leo
Devorah Bee Dev
Deborah Bee Deb