Elyana Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

Likes 0
Views 27
Girl Ranking 48
Overall Ranking 90
Updated 08 Mar 2025 at 06:41:53

Elyana Name Meaning and Origin

Elyana is a baby girl name that means "God", "sun", and "God has answered". The name Elyana comes from the "Hebrew" and "Latin" origins. A common nickname for Elyana is Elya. It ranks 48th among girls names and 90th overall, with 27 views and 0 likes.

Nicknames for Elyana

Elyana’s featured nickname is Elya, but you can also consider these names: Lya, Ely, Yana, Elly, Liana, Lyana, Eli, Ana, and Elia. Additionally, you can use Mana, Nana, Hana, Yani, Kana, Yano, Yanu, Jana, Dely, Anai, Anay, Anaa, Anab, Sana, Lely, Delyn, Zanar, Yanno, Yannu and Yanoo as Elyana nickname.

Other Nicknames for Elyana

Yanka, Yanik, Talya, Riely, Raely, Viana, Anaya, Janae, Janah, Shana, Brana, Anali, Raelyn, Zaryan, Niyana, Analie, Anarie, Zakiyan, Yanikis, Anabeth and Anabellabear.

Elyana Name Infographics

Infographic of Elyana name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Elyana means God has answered, and Elya is a nickname for Elyana.

Names with the Same Meaning as Elyana

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Sibling Names for Elyana

Name Meaning Nickname
Salomone Peace Sal
Abilene Stream Abi
Seraphimus Burning ones Sera
Batsheva Daughter of the oath Basha
Shafeer Ambassador Shaf
Devora Bee Dev
Terach Wanderer Teri
Debora Bee Deb
Yeremia The Lord exalts Yeri
Leora My light Leo
Zaccery The Lord recalled Zacco
Nechama Comfort Necha
Zackerias The Lord recalled Zacko
Devorah Bee Dev
Zedechiah The Lord is just Zedo
Magdalene Woman from Magdala Mag
Zedekias The Lord is just Zedo
Eila Torch Eily
Zerach Glowing Zero
Rebeca To bind Becca

Names Like Elyana

Name Meaning Nickname
Evana God is gracious Eva
Ilana Tree Ilani
Susana Lily Susi
Analise Favor Ana
Johana God is gracious Joha
Anabella Grace Ana
Shoshana Lily Shosh
Jana God is gracious Jani
Anaiah Yahweh has answered Ana
Anais Merciful Ana
Elyse God's promise Ely
Aviana To breathe Avi
Chana Grace Chan
Madelynn Woman from Magdala Maddy
Raelyn Ewe Rae
Yannakis God is gracious Yani
Yanno Of John Yani
Elkana God has created Elk
Elliana My God has answered me Ellie
Raelynn Beam of light Rae
Madelyn High tower Maddie