British Names

13 British baby names, with 309 views and 8 likes. This includes 1 British boy names, 8 British girl names, and 4 British gender-neutral names. Trending British names include Zayne, Balaam, Asher, Raelynn, Joanna, Elsie, Elliot, Nancy, Evie, Annie, Mary Jane, Jenny, and Avalee. Updated on March 11, 2025, at 5:19 PM.

British Names that start with A

Name Meaning Nickname
Annie Grace Ani
Asher Blessed Ash
Avalee To live Ava

British Names that start with B

Name Meaning Nickname
Balaam One who makes profession of religion for the sake of gain Bala

British Names that start with E

Name Meaning Nickname
Elsie Pledged to God Els
Elliot The Lord is my God Eli
Evie Life Evi

British Names that start with J

Name Meaning Nickname
Joanna God is gracious Jo
Jenny White spirit Jen

British Names that start with M

Name Meaning Nickname
Mary Jane Drop of the sea Marjay

British Names that start with N

Name Meaning Nickname
Nancy Grace Nan

British Names that start with R

Name Meaning Nickname
Raelynn Beam of light Rae

British Names that start with Z

Name Meaning Nickname
Zayne God is gracious Zay