Dorrit Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

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Views 1
Girl Ranking 295
Overall Ranking 501
Updated 15 Mar 2025 at 00:34:59

Dorrit Name Meaning and Origin

Dorrit is a baby girl name that means "gift of God". The name Dorrit comes from the "Hebrew" and "British" origins. A common nickname for Dorrit is Dori. It ranks 295th among girls names and 501st overall, with 1 view and 0 likes.

Nicknames for Dorrit

Dorrit’s featured nickname is Dori, but you can also consider these nicknames: Ritt, Dorri, Ritta, Dorrie, Ritty, Dorta, Dorr, Dorrin, and Ritti. Additionally, you can use Dora, Rith, Urit, Zador, Marri, Orito, Kerri, Jedor, Ritha, Zaydor, Sarita, and Marita as Dorrit nicknames.

Dorrit Name Infographics

Infographic of Dorrit name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Dorrit means gift of God, and Dori is a nickname for Dorrit.

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Sibling Names for Dorrit

Sorry, we don’t have any sibling names for Dorrit.

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