Elizah Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

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Girl Ranking 309
Overall Ranking 516
Updated 15 Mar 2025 at 07:15:53

Elizah Name Meaning and Origin

Elizah is a baby girl name that means "my God is an oath" and "promised of God". The name Elizah comes from the "Hebrew" origin. A common nickname for Elizah is Eliza. It ranks 309th among girls names and 516th overall, with 1 view and 0 likes.

Nicknames for Elizah

Elizah’s featured nickname is Eliza, but you can also consider these nicknames: Liza, Lizae, Eliyah, Liah, Elya, Eliz, Zaya, Izah, and Lizah. Additionally, you can use Eli, Elia, Elie, Elio, Elii, Elis, Eliy, Elito, Elita, Elish, Eliah, Elisha, Elisia, Liz, Iza, Zah, Leli, Deli, Seli, and Neli as Elizah nicknames.

Other Nicknames for Elizah

Aliz, Lizi, Lizz, Reli, Zahi, Veli, Lize, Lizu, Ziza, Beli, Yeli, Lizzy, Nelia, Reliu, Lizza, Laeli, Lelie, Lelia, Aliza, Helia, Delia, Delil, Lizzi, Lizzie, Nelita, Daneli, Alizae, Jaelie, Lizzle, Lizeth, Lizbee, Izabel, Lizzia, Lizina, Mykelis, Mykelin, Delilae, Lizbeth, Lizbethy and Rafaelie.

Elizah Name Infographics

Infographic of Elizah name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Elizah means promised of God, and Eliza is a nickname for Elizah.

Names with the Same Meaning as Elizah

Name Meaning Nickname
Issie God's Promise Issi
Elyza Of Elizabeth Ely
Lili My God Is An Oath Li
Annabeth Favor Anna
Analise Favor Ana
Ela Terebinth Tree El
Lianna My God Is An Oath Lia
Elsa My God Is An Oath Els
Elyse God's Promise Ely
Isabela My God Is An Oath Isa

Sibling Names for Elizah

Name Meaning Nickname
Seraphimus Burning ones Sera
Ruthine Friend Ruth
Yapheth Beautiful Yafi
Orphie Fawn Orpha
Zerach Glowing Zero
Josephina Increaser Jo
Nechama Comfort Necha
Seraphina Burning ones Sera
Ruthie Friend Ruth

Names Like Elizah

Name Meaning Nickname
Eliya My God is Yahweh Eli
Lizzy God is my oath Liz
Delila Languishing Deli
Elish God's promise Eli
Elie The Lord is my God Eli
Eliah Of Elijah Eli
Izabelle God's promise Iza
Elisheva Devoted to God Eli
Eliott My God is the lord Eli
Aziza Strong Azi
Alize Joyful Ali
Alizah Joyful Ali
Eliora God is my light Eli
Liza God is my oath Liz
Areli Lion of God Ari
Lizbeth God is my oath Lizzy
Liz God's promise Lizzy
Elisabeth God's promise Elsa
Elia God has answered Eli
Elisha God is my salvation Eli
Aliza Joyful Ali
Izabella God's promise Iza
Elianna My God has answered Ellie
Eliza Pledged to God Eli
Madeline From Magdala Maddie
Delilah Delicate Lilah
Eli High El
Eliana God has answered Ellie
Elizabeth God's promise Liz