Raelynne Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

Likes 1
Views 8
Girl Ranking 176
Overall Ranking 349
Updated 15 Mar 2025 at 17:28:39

Raelynne Name Meaning and Origin

Raelynne is a baby girl name that means "lake", "pool", "stream", "female sheep", and "ewe". The name Raelynne comes from the "Hebrew" origin. A common nickname for Raelynne is Rae. It ranks 176th among girls names and 349th overall, with 8 views and 1 like.

Nicknames for Raelynne

Raelynne’s featured nickname is Rae, but you can also consider these nicknames: Lynne, Raea, Raly, Raely, Lyna, Rael, Lynnie, Raea, and Raelynn. Additionally, you can use Rynn, Riely, Raezy, Raeka, Raela, Raelyn, Raerae, Raylyn, Rillyn, Raelle, Rafaelie, Ely, Lyn, Lynn, Mael, Elya, Dely, Zael, Lely, and Anne as Raelynne nicknames.

Other Nicknames for Raelynne

Delyn, Aella, Maelo, Israe, Malyn, Kaela, Lynie, Caela, Lynny, Lorae, Laelo, Laeli, Laelu, Zanne, Chael, Arynn, Jelyn, Faela, Yonnen, Shmael, Evylyn, Jaelie, Madlyn, Adirae, Marlyn, Jeslyn, Betlyn, Annette, Annelle, Phaello and Shifrae.

Raelynne Name Infographics

Infographic of Raelynne name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Raelynne means ewe, and Rae is a nickname for Raelynne.

Names with the Same Meaning as Raelynne

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Raelee Ewe Rae
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Rochel Ewe Roch
Rae Ewe RayRay
Raelyn Ewe Rae
Gideon Hewer Gidi
Rachel Ewe Rach

Sibling Names for Raelynne

Name Meaning Nickname
Reuban A son Reu
Reubena Behold Reu
Shafeer Ambassador Shaf
Orphie Fawn Orpha
Shefer Handsome Shef
Marlena Of Magdala Marli
Shomer Watchman Sho
Rena Melody Ren
Yeremia The Lord exalts Yeri
Keren Animal's horn Ker
Yeremiya The Lord exalts Yeri
Rebeca To bind Becca
Yeremiyah The Lord exalts Yeri
Rebekah To tie firmly Becky
Yirmeyahu Of Jeremiah Yiri
Ruthie Friend Ruth
Zaccery The Lord recalled Zacco
Rebecca To bind or tie Becca
Zacherish God remembers Zacho
Zackerias The Lord recalled Zacko

Names Like Raelynne

Name Meaning Nickname
Rafaela God heals Rafa
Jesslyn To behold Jess
Suezanne Lily Sue
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Marillyn Mary's line Mari
Suzanne Lily Suzy
Annemarie Favor Anne
Elyza Of Elizabeth Ely
Lael Of God Lae
Jordynn Down-flowing Jordy
Raphaello Healing God Rap
Elyana God has answered Elya
Madalynn Of Magdala Maddy
Micaela Who is like God Mica
Jael Mountain goat Jae
Madalyn From Magdala Madi
Elyse God's promise Ely
Azael The hazel tree of God Az
Madilynn Woman of Magdala Madi
Michaela Who is like God Mika
Anne Gracious Annie
Madelynn Woman from Magdala Maddy
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Yishmael God will hear Yishi