Saramae Name Meaning, Origin, and Nicknames

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Girl Ranking 286
Overall Ranking 494
Updated 15 Mar 2025 at 00:07:46

Saramae Name Meaning and Origin

Saramae is a baby girl name that means "mint" and "princess of May". The name Saramae comes from the "Hebrew", "British", and "Thai" origins. A common nickname for Saramae is Sara. It ranks 286th among girls names and 494th overall, with 0 views and 0 likes.

Nicknames for Saramae

Saramae’s featured nickname is Sara, but you can also consider these nicknames: Mae, Sari, Rama, Saree, Sama, Rami, Sarie, Mara, and Sae. Additionally, you can use Sar, Sare, Sary, Saro, Saru, Sarry, Sarel, Sariy, Saria, Shara, Sarin, Sarka, Sarna, Sarai, Shmael, Sarita, Sarina, Sariya, Samari, and Ama as Saramae nicknames.

Other Nicknames for Saramae

Ara, Ram, Zara, Rara, Mael, Dara, Ramu, Nama, Tama, Tara, Jama, Visar, Maelo, Amara, Amari, Laman, Darao, Chama, Amaya, Arami, Marane, Zarahy and Aramie.

Saramae Name Infographics

Infographic of Saramae name meaning, which is a name of Hebrew origin, Saramae means princess of May, and Sara is a nickname for Saramae.

Names with the Same Meaning as Saramae

Sorry, we don’t have any names that share the same meaning as Saramae.

Sibling Names for Saramae

Name Meaning Nickname
Segev Great Seg
Suezanne Lily Sue
Shafeer Ambassador Shaf
Isobell God's promise Iso
Shefer Handsome Shef
Ysobel God's promise Yso
Shomer Watchman Sho
Suzanne Lily Suzy
Yoseff The Lord increases Yosi
Elisheva Devoted to God Eli
Yuszef God increases Yuzi
Betsy Pledged to God Bet
Zacherish God remembers Zacho
Josefina He will add Jose
Zackerias The Lord recalled Zacko
Analise Favor Ana
Zedekias The Lord is just Zedo
Susie Lily Susi
Selemon From Solomon Sele
Josey Praise taken away Josi

Names Like Saramae

Name Meaning Nickname
Saraya Of saráy Sara
Atarah Crown Ata
Tamari Palm tree Tami
Annamarie Gracious Anna
Tamar Date palm Tam
Samaria Watch mountain Sami
Aram Elevated place Ara
Sarina Princess Sara
Nechama Comfort Necha
Dara Pearl of wisdom Dar
Salaman Peaceful Sal
Zarah Princess Zara
Amariah Yahweh has said Ama
Sarafino Burning ones Fino
Saraph To burn Sara
Adara Beauty Ada
Sariah Princess Sari
Amaris Promised by God Mara
Mara Bitter Mari
Sariyah Princess Sari
Sarai My princess Sara
Samara Result Sami
Sara Princess Sari
Yishmael God will hear Yishi
Avisar Faultless Avi
Samantha God has heard Sam
Sarah Noblewoman Sar
Amanda Worthy of love Mandy